
I am trying to use the call_command method to call the dumpdata command. Manually, I use it as follows to save the data to a file.

python dumpdata appname_one appname_two > /path/to/save/file.json

and it saves the json file. Now, I am in a situation where I need to call this command using the call_command method.

I am able to print out the json from the command using the following:

from import call_command

call_command('dumpdata', 'appname_one', 'appname_two')

Is there a way I can save the given data to a file like we do it from the command line?

È stato utile?


had to redirect sys.stdout to the file in order to achieve the above. Something like.

import sys

from import call_command

sysout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = open('filename.json', 'w')
call_command('dumpdata', 'appname_one', 'appname_two')
sys.stdout = sysout

Altri suggerimenti

An even better way is to use Django's built-in stdout redirection for their command modules. See docs here.

If you want to manipulate the stream before sending it to a file, you can also pass it a StringIO buffer:

import os
from cStringIO import StringIO

from django.core import management

def create_fixture(app_name, filename):
    buf = StringIO()
    management.call_command('dumpdata', app_name, stdout=buf)
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:

I am using Django fixture magic and need to dump a custom fixture. I tried several ways but ended up using Amyth's answer becuase it was the only way that worked.

Here is my admin action that works with fixture magic

def export_survey(modeladmin, request, queryset):

    sysout = sys.stdout

    survey = queryset[0]
    fname = "%s.json" %(survey.slug)
    response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/json')
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' %(fname)

    sys.stdout = response
    call_command('custom_dump', 'complete_survey',
    sys.stdout = sysout
    return response

export_survey.short_description = "Exports a single survey as a .json file"

DB fixtures typically compress well, and loaddata can read compressed fixtures. To write a .bz2 compressed fixture directly:

import bz2

with bz2.BZ2File('db.json.bz2', 'w', buffering=1024) as f:'dumpdata', stdout=f)

This one help for multiple dump data into json file

from import call_command
import sys

sys.stdout = open('app_one/fixtures/apple.json', 'w')
call_command('dumpdata', '')

sys.stdout = open('app_two/fixtures/banana.json', 'w')
call_command('dumpdata', 'app_two.banana')
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