
Sto cercando una buona libreria C ++ per darmi funzioni da risolvere per spline cubiche di grandi dimensioni (nell'ordine di 1000 punti) qualcuno ne conosce una?

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Altri suggerimenti

Scrivi il tuo. Ecco la funzione spline () che ho scritto sulla base dell'eccellente algoritmo wiki :

using namespace std;

typedef vector<double> vec;

struct SplineSet{
    double a;
    double b;
    double c;
    double d;
    double x;

vector<SplineSet> spline(vec &x, vec &y)
    int n = x.size()-1;
    vec a;
    a.insert(a.begin(), y.begin(), y.end());
    vec b(n);
    vec d(n);
    vec h;

    for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)

    vec alpha;
    for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        alpha.push_back( 3*(a[i+1]-a[i])/h[i] - 3*(a[i]-a[i-1])/h[i-1]  );

    vec c(n+1);
    vec l(n+1);
    vec mu(n+1);
    vec z(n+1);
    l[0] = 1;
    mu[0] = 0;
    z[0] = 0;

    for(int i = 1; i < n; ++i)
        l[i] = 2 *(x[i+1]-x[i-1])-h[i-1]*mu[i-1];
        mu[i] = h[i]/l[i];
        z[i] = (alpha[i]-h[i-1]*z[i-1])/l[i];

    l[n] = 1;
    z[n] = 0;
    c[n] = 0;

    for(int j = n-1; j >= 0; --j)
        c[j] = z [j] - mu[j] * c[j+1];
        b[j] = (a[j+1]-a[j])/h[j]-h[j]*(c[j+1]+2*c[j])/3;
        d[j] = (c[j+1]-c[j])/3/h[j];

    vector<SplineSet> output_set(n);
    for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        output_set[i].a = a[i];
        output_set[i].b = b[i];
        output_set[i].c = c[i];
        output_set[i].d = d[i];
        output_set[i].x = x[i];
    return output_set;

int main()
    vec x(11);
    vec y(11);
    for(int i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
        x[i] = i;
        y[i] = sin(i);

    vector<SplineSet> cs = spline(x, y);
    for(int i = 0; i < cs.size(); ++i)
        cout << cs[i].d << "\t" << cs[i].c << "\t" << cs[i].b << "\t" << cs[i].a << endl;

Ho dovuto scrivere una routine di spline per un'entità " che stava seguendo un percorso (serie di waypoint collegati) in un gioco a cui sto lavorando.

Ho creato una classe base per gestire un " SplineInterface " e le due classi derivate create, una basata sulla classica tecnica spline (ad esempio Sedgewick / Algorithms) e una seconda basata su Bezier Splines.

Ecco il codice. È un singolo file di intestazione, che contiene tutte le classi di suddivisione:

#ifndef __SplineCommon__
#define __SplineCommon__

#include "CommonSTL.h"
#include "CommonProject.h"
#include "MathUtilities.h"

/* A Spline base class. */
class SplineBase
   vector<Vec2> _points;
   bool _elimColinearPoints;


   virtual void ResetDerived() = 0;

      NOM_SIZE = 32,


      _elimColinearPoints = true;

   const vector<Vec2>& GetPoints() { return _points; }
   bool GetElimColinearPoints() { return _elimColinearPoints; }
   void SetElimColinearPoints(bool elim) { _elimColinearPoints = elim; }

   virtual Vec2 Eval(int seg, double t) = 0;
   virtual bool ComputeSpline() = 0;
   virtual void DumpDerived() {}

   /* Clear out all the data.
   void Reset()

   void AddPoint(const Vec2& pt)
      // If this new point is colinear with the two previous points,
      // pop off the last point and add this one instead.
      if(_elimColinearPoints && _points.size() > 2)
         int N = _points.size()-1;
         Vec2 p0 = _points[N-1] - _points[N-2];
         Vec2 p1 = _points[N] - _points[N-1];
         Vec2 p2 = pt - _points[N];
         // We test for colinearity by comparing the slopes
         // of the two lines.  If the slopes are the same,
         // we assume colinearity.
         float32 delta = (p2.y-p1.y)*(p1.x-p0.x)-(p1.y-p0.y)*(p2.x-p1.x);

   void Dump(int segments = 5)
      assert(segments > 1);

      cout << "Original Points (" << _points.size() << ")" << endl;
      cout << "-----------------------------" << endl;
      for(int idx = 0; idx < _points.size(); ++idx)
         cout << "[" << idx << "]" << "  " << _points[idx] << endl;

      cout << "-----------------------------" << endl;

      cout << "-----------------------------" << endl;
      cout << "Evaluating Spline at " << segments << " points." << endl;
      for(int idx = 0; idx < _points.size()-1; idx++)
         cout << "---------- " << "From " <<  _points[idx] << " to " << _points[idx+1] << "." << endl;
         for(int tIdx = 0; tIdx < segments+1; ++tIdx)
            double t = tIdx*1.0/segments;
            cout << "[" << tIdx << "]" << "   ";
            cout << "[" << t*100 << "%]" << "   ";
            cout << " --> " << Eval(idx,t);
            cout << endl;

class ClassicSpline : public SplineBase
   /* The system of linear equations found by solving
    * for the 3 order spline polynomial is given by:
    * A*x = b.  The "x" is represented by _xCol and the
    * "b" is represented by _bCol in the code.
    * The "A" is formulated with diagonal elements (_diagElems) and
    * symmetric off-diagonal elements (_offDiagElemns).  The
    * general structure (for six points) looks like:
    *  |  d1  u1   0   0   0  |      | p1 |    | w1 |
    *  |  u1  d2   u2  0   0  |      | p2 |    | w2 |
    *  |  0   u2   d3  u3  0  |   *  | p3 |  = | w3 |
    *  |  0   0    u3  d4  u4 |      | p4 |    | w4 |
    *  |  0   0    0   u4  d5 |      | p5 |    | w5 |
    *  The general derivation for this can be found
    *  in Robert Sedgewick's "Algorithms in C++".
   vector<double> _xCol;
   vector<double> _bCol;
   vector<double> _diagElems;
   vector<double> _offDiagElems;

   /* Evaluate the spline for the ith segment
    * for parameter.  The value of parameter t must
    * be between 0 and 1.
   inline virtual Vec2 Eval(int seg, double t)
      const vector<Vec2>& points = GetPoints();

      assert(t >= 0);
      assert(t <= 1.0);
      assert(seg >= 0);
      assert(seg < (points.size()-1));

      const double ONE_OVER_SIX = 1.0/6.0;
      double oneMinust = 1.0 - t;
      double t3Minust = t*t*t-t;
      double oneMinust3minust = oneMinust*oneMinust*oneMinust-oneMinust;
      double deltaX = points[seg+1].x - points[seg].x;
      double yValue = t * points[seg + 1].y +
      oneMinust*points[seg].y +
      ONE_OVER_SIX*deltaX*deltaX*(t3Minust*_xCol[seg+1] - oneMinust3minust*_xCol[seg]);
      double xValue = t*(points[seg+1].x-points[seg].x) + points[seg].x;
      return Vec2(xValue,yValue);

   /* Clear out all the data.
   virtual void ResetDerived()

   virtual bool ComputeSpline()
      const vector<Vec2>& p = GetPoints();


      for(int idx = 1; idx < p.size(); ++idx)
         _diagElems[idx] = 2*(p[idx+1].x-p[idx-1].x);
      for(int idx = 0; idx < p.size(); ++idx)
         _offDiagElems[idx] = p[idx+1].x - p[idx].x;
      for(int idx = 1; idx < p.size(); ++idx)
         _bCol[idx] = 6.0*((p[idx+1].y-p[idx].y)/_offDiagElems[idx] -
      _xCol[0] = 0.0;
      _xCol[p.size()-1] = 0.0;
      for(int idx = 1; idx < p.size()-1; ++idx)
         _bCol[idx+1] = _bCol[idx+1] - _bCol[idx]*_offDiagElems[idx]/_diagElems[idx];
         _diagElems[idx+1] = _diagElems[idx+1] - _offDiagElems[idx]*_offDiagElems[idx]/_diagElems[idx];
      for(int idx = (int)p.size()-2; idx > 0; --idx)
         _xCol[idx] = (_bCol[idx] - _offDiagElems[idx]*_xCol[idx+1])/_diagElems[idx];
      return true;

/* Bezier Spline Implementation
 * Based on this article:
class BezierSpine : public SplineBase
   vector<Vec2> _p1Points;
   vector<Vec2> _p2Points;

   /* Evaluate the spline for the ith segment
    * for parameter.  The value of parameter t must
    * be between 0 and 1.
   inline virtual Vec2 Eval(int seg, double t)
      assert(seg < _p1Points.size());
      assert(seg < _p2Points.size());

      double omt = 1.0 - t;

      Vec2 p0 = GetPoints()[seg];
      Vec2 p1 = _p1Points[seg];
      Vec2 p2 = _p2Points[seg];
      Vec2 p3 = GetPoints()[seg+1];

      double xVal = omt*omt*omt*p0.x + 3*omt*omt*t*p1.x +3*omt*t*t*p2.x+t*t*t*p3.x;
      double yVal = omt*omt*omt*p0.y + 3*omt*omt*t*p1.y +3*omt*t*t*p2.y+t*t*t*p3.y;
      return Vec2(xVal,yVal);

   /* Clear out all the data.
   virtual void ResetDerived()

   virtual bool ComputeSpline()
      const vector<Vec2>& p = GetPoints();

      int N = (int)p.size()-1;
      if(N == 0)
         return false;

      if(N == 1)
      {  // Only 2 points...just create a straight line.
         // Constraint:  3*P1 = 2*P0 + P3
         _p1Points[0] = (2.0/3.0*p[0] + 1.0/3.0*p[1]);
         // Constraint:  P2 = 2*P1 - P0
         _p2Points[0] = 2.0*_p1Points[0] - p[0];
         return true;

      /*rhs vector*/
      vector<Vec2> a(N);
      vector<Vec2> b(N);
      vector<Vec2> c(N);
      vector<Vec2> r(N);

      /*left most segment*/
      a[0].x = 0;
      b[0].x = 2;
      c[0].x = 1;
      r[0].x = p[0].x+2*p[1].x;

      a[0].y = 0;
      b[0].y = 2;
      c[0].y = 1;
      r[0].y = p[0].y+2*p[1].y;

      /*internal segments*/
      for (int i = 1; i < N - 1; i++)
         r[i].x = 4 * p[i].x + 2 * p[i+1].x;

         r[i].y = 4 * p[i].y + 2 * p[i+1].y;

      /*right segment*/
      a[N-1].x = 2;
      b[N-1].x = 7;
      c[N-1].x = 0;
      r[N-1].x = 8*p[N-1].x+p[N].x;

      a[N-1].y = 2;
      b[N-1].y = 7;
      c[N-1].y = 0;
      r[N-1].y = 8*p[N-1].y+p[N].y;

      /*solves Ax=b with the Thomas algorithm (from Wikipedia)*/
      for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)
         double m;

         m = a[i].x/b[i-1].x;
         b[i].x = b[i].x - m * c[i - 1].x;
         r[i].x = r[i].x - m * r[i-1].x;

         m = a[i].y/b[i-1].y;
         b[i].y = b[i].y - m * c[i - 1].y;
         r[i].y = r[i].y - m * r[i-1].y;

      _p1Points[N-1].x = r[N-1].x/b[N-1].x;
      _p1Points[N-1].y = r[N-1].y/b[N-1].y;
      for (int i = N - 2; i >= 0; --i)
         _p1Points[i].x = (r[i].x - c[i].x * _p1Points[i+1].x) / b[i].x;
         _p1Points[i].y = (r[i].y - c[i].y * _p1Points[i+1].y) / b[i].y;

      /*we have p1, now compute p2*/
      for (int i=0;i<N-1;i++)

      _p2Points[N-1].x = 0.5 * (p[N].x+_p1Points[N-1].x);
      _p2Points[N-1].y = 0.5 * (p[N].y+_p1Points[N-1].y);

      return true;

   virtual void DumpDerived()
      cout << " Control Points " << endl;
      for(int idx = 0; idx < _p1Points.size(); idx++)
         cout << "[" << idx << "]  ";
         cout << "P1: " << _p1Points[idx];
         cout << "   ";
         cout << "P2: " << _p2Points[idx];
         cout << endl;

#endif /* defined(__SplineCommon__) */

Alcune note

  • La spline classica si arresta in modo anomalo se si assegna un set verticale di punti. Ecco perché ho creato Bezier ... Ho un sacco di verticale linee / percorsi da seguire. Potrebbe essere modificato per dare solo una linea retta.
  • La classe base ha un'opzione per rimuovere punti collineari mentre aggiungi loro. Questo utilizza un semplice confronto di pendenza di due linee per capire se sono sulla stessa linea. Non devi farlo, ma per percorsi lunghi che sono linee rette, riduce i cicli. Quando tu fai molto pathfinding su un grafico a spaziatura regolare, tendi a ottenere un molti segmenti continui.

Ecco un esempio dell'uso della Spline Bezier:

/* Smooth the points on the path so that turns look
 * more natural.  We'll only smooth the first few 
 * points.  Most of the time, the full path will not
 * be executed anyway...why waste cycles.
void SmoothPath(vector<Vec2>& path, int32 divisions)
   const int SMOOTH_POINTS = 6;

   BezierSpine spline;

   if(path.size() < 2)

   // Cache off the first point.  If the first point is removed,
   // the we occasionally run into problems if the collision detection
   // says the first node is occupied but the splined point is too
   // close, so the FSM "spins" trying to find a sensor cell that is
   // not occupied.
   //   Vec2 firstPoint = path.back();
   //   path.pop_back();
   // Grab the points.
   for(int idx = 0; idx < SMOOTH_POINTS && path.size() > 0; idx++)
   // Smooth them.
   // Push them back in.
   for(int idx = spline.GetPoints().size()-2; idx >= 0; --idx)
      for(int division = divisions-1; division >= 0; --division)
         double t = division*1.0/divisions;
         path.push_back(spline.Eval(idx, t));
   // Push back in the original first point.
   //   path.push_back(firstPoint);


  • Mentre l'intero percorso potrebbe essere smussato, in questa applicazione da allora il percorso cambiava ogni tanto, era meglio semplicemente smussare i primi punti e poi collegalo.
  • I punti vengono caricati in " reverse " ordine nel vettore percorso. Questo può o meno salvare i cicli (ho dormito da allora).

Questo codice fa parte di una base di codice molto più ampia, ma puoi scaricarlo tutto su github e vedere un post di blog al riguardo qui .

Puoi guardarlo in azione in questo video.

Dai un'occhiata a di David Eberly. Ho appena iniziato, ma il codice e il documento sono finora di qualità eccezionale.
(Ha anche libri: strumenti geometrici per la computer grafica, progettazione di motori di gioco 3D.)

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Non affiliato a StackOverflow
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