
Using Powershell, I'm trying to remove leading zeros of the numeric part of a string. Here are a couple of examples and expected results:

AB012 needs to become AB12

ABC010 needs to become ABC10

I've tried the following, but it gets rid of all zeros. How can I tell it to only remove the leading zeros? The format of the string will always be letters followed by numbers. However, the length of the letters may vary.

$x = ABC010
$y = $x -replace '[0]'

This will display ABC1, and I wish to display ABC10.


È stato utile?


This regex searches for a letter followed by any number of 0's and keeps the letter in the replacement pattern but strips the zeros:

$x = $x -replace '([a-z])0*', '$1'

Altri suggerimenti

try this regex with look-behind and look-ahead assertions


the problem is if you have string like "0AB0101" that become"0AB11" in this case use:


Here's another option that evaluates the digits as a number:

PS> [regex]::replace('ABC010','(\d+)',{iex $args[0]})

Or using the TrimStart method:

PS> [regex]::replace('ABC010','(\d+)',{$args[0].ToString().TrimStart('0')})
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