
I'm trying to parse following XML from a file using Powershell without actually loading it as XML document using [xml] since the document contain errors.

  <company>Walter & Cooper</company>
  <contact_name>Patrick O'Brian</contact_name>

To load document successfully I need to fix errors by replacing special characters as follows

& with &amp;
< with &lt;
' with &apos; etc..

I know I could do something like this to find and replace characters in a document

(Get-Content $fileName) | Foreach-Object {
  $_-replace '&', '&amp;' `
    -replace "'", "&apos;" `
    -replace '"', '&quot;'} | Set-Content $fileName

But this will replace characters everywhere in the file, I'm only interest in checking for characters inside xml tags like <company> and replacing them with xml safe entities so that resultant text is a valid document which I can load using [xml].

È stato utile?


Something like this should work for each character you need to replace:

$_-replace '(?<=\W)(&)(?=.*<\/.*>)', '&amp' `
  -replace '(?<=\W)(')(?=.*<\/.*>)', '&apos;' `
  -replace '(?<=\W)(")(?=.*<\/.*>)', '&quot;' `
  -replace '(?<=\W)(>)(?=.*<\/.*>)', '&gt;' `
  -replace '(?<=\W)(\*)(?=.*<\/.*>)', '&lowast;' } | Set-Content $fileName

which does a positive look-behind with a non-word character, then the capturing group followed by a positive look-ahead.


updated: | original:

Altri suggerimenti

A little bit of regex look-behind and look-ahead should do the trick:

$str = @'
  <company>Walter & Cooper & Brannigan</company>
  <contact_name>Patrick & O'Brian</contact_name>

$str -replace '(?is)(?<=<company>.*?)&(?=.*?</company>)', '&amp;'
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