
Im going to write a hotel reservation program for my final year at school. I am going to use a text file to have all the guests whose attributes include: Name, Surname, contact details etc. and I want to read these attributes back to the text fields they were entered in to but they will be the same fields and labels and everything but in a different page. I will be using a StringTokenizer when writing to the file so there will be e.g. a '#' separating each attribute.

Can someone please help with reading each attribute separately into separate text fields so e.g. the text file will look something like this:

and I want each attribute to be read to a separate text field.

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Soluzione 3

You could use String.indexOf("#") to find a hash tag, then use that index to create a substring with just the first element, and a substring of the remaining elements. Then repeat the process until everything is split into the separate text fields.

Altri suggerimenti



it would return an array... read from the different indexes to populate the fields.

you could consider to use Splitter from google-guava library like this:


Iterable<String> fieldset = Splitter.on("#").split("");

for(final String s : fieldset) {

access fields by index:

Iterables.get(fieldset, 2); // returns "samhaden"
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