
I have the example data and model

for (i in 1:10){
  id<-c(id, rep(i,101))}
dtfr<-data.frame(x=x,y=y, id=id)
with (dtfr, summary(lme((y)~x,random=~1+x|id, na.action=na.omit  )))<-with (dtfr, (lme((y)~x,random=~1+x|id, na.action=na.omit  )))
pd<-predict(, newdata=data.frame(x=0:100),level=0)
with (dtfr, plot(x, y))
lines(0:100,predict(, newdata=data.frame(x=0:100),level=0), col="darkred", lwd=7)

How can I extract the modelled intercept and slope of each individual ID and plot the individual trajectories of each ID?

È stato utile?


Not sure what you want to do because all your coefficients are almost identical:

> coef(
   (Intercept)        x
1     54.88302 19.18001
2     54.88298 19.18000
3     54.88299 19.18000
4     54.88299 19.18000
5     54.88302 19.18001
6     54.88300 19.18000
7     54.88301 19.18000
8     54.88300 19.18000
9     54.88299 19.18000
10    54.88300 19.18000

Maybe your real data gives you more different results. If it's the case, I would use abline inside a mapply call:

with (dtfr, plot(x, y))
mapply(abline,a=coef([,1],b=coef([,2], col=1:10)

Here's the result. Since all coeffcients are almost the same, the lines are plotted on top of each other. You only see the last one. enter image description here

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