
mi dispiace se questo è già stato pubblicato, non ho avuto alcun risultato ..

Voglio solo sapere come eseguire il ciclo tra 'elementi' di forma nidificata (gli elementi non sono solo gli elementi di forma rigida come tag di input ma anche altri elementi html) in jquery. Attualmente ho questo pezzo di codice per farlo:

    var child = $(this);
    if(":input")) { alert(child.attr('id'));
     if(child.attr('id')!='') eval("p."+child.attr('id')+"='"+child.attr('value')+"'"); 

       if(":textarea")) {
     if(child.attr('id')!='')  eval("p."+child.attr('id')+"='"+child.attr('value')+"'"); 

non funziona quando il mio modulo contiene altri elementi come questo:

    <div id='tabs'>
        <div id='tab-1'>
               <input type='text' id='fname' />
               <textarea id='desc' ></textarea>

per favore aiutate ...

È stato utile?


Puoi farlo in una funzione ricorsiva.

function doStuff(child) {
  if(":input")) {

  if(":textarea")) {

function walk(children) {
  if (typeof children == "undefined" || children.size() === 0) {
    var child = $(this);
    if (child.children().size() > 0) {


EDIT : ho appena capito cosa stai cercando di fare e puoi scomporlo in questo

var p = {};
$('#'+arguments[i].formid + " input[id], #"+arguments[i].formid + " textarea[id]").each(function(){
  var child = $(this);
  p[child.attr("id")] = child.attr("value");

Probabilmente dovresti leggere di più su jQuery selettori .

Altri suggerimenti

Puoi utilizzare contents () (e filtrare i nodi di testo se necessario) o find ('*') per ottenere tutti gli elementi, anche se non mi piace usare i caratteri jolly.

          .filter( function() { return this.nodeType == 1; } )



Sono tornato per correggermi :) jQuery Rocks! Quindi dopo un corso intensivo ecco la stessa cosa in jQuery ...

    menu.jq     : main menu jQuery for
    Author      : 'Eugene Kerner' <>
    Date        : 16-12-2009
    Dependencies: jQuery javascript lib
                : menu.css
                : an unordered list structure as per the below Example.
                : a javascript call to menu.init(menuId, selectedMenuItemsArray) as per the below Example.
    Notes       : if your menu link has an onclick that returns false then it needs to call menu.init before returning (see Example).
    Example     : -
    <ul id="mainMenu" class="menuItems">
        <a href="/">Menu Item</a>
          <li><a href="/webpage" onclick="'/webpage'); menu.init('mainMenu', ['Menu Item', 'Sub Menu Item']); return false;">Sub Menu Item</a></li>
    <script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function(){menu.init('mainMenu', ['Menu Item'])});</script>

var menu = {
  selectedClass : 'selected',
  animateSpeed  : 'fast',
  selectedLinks : [],
  init : function(menuId, selectedLinks)
    $('#' + menuId).children('li').each(function(){
      var menuItem       = $(this);
      var menuLink       = menuItem.children('a:first-child');
      var subMenu        = menuItem.children('ul:last-child');
      menu.selectedLinks = selectedLinks;
      if (subMenu.length == 1) {
          function(){menuLink.addClass(menu.selectedClass); subMenu.slideDown(menu.animateSpeed)}, 
          function(){subMenu.slideUp(menu.animateSpeed); menu.applySelectedClass(menuLink)}
  applySelectedClass : function(menuLink)
    ($.inArray(menuLink.html(), menu.selectedLinks) > -1) ? menuLink.addClass(menu.selectedClass) : menuLink.removeClass(menu.selectedClass);

Ed ecco il css nel caso qualcuno voglia usarlo ...

    menu.css - main menu cascading style sheet for all media
    'Eugene Kerner' <>

.menuItems, .menuItems li, .menuItems li ul, .menuItems li ul li {
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
.menuItems, .menuItems li ul {
  list-style: none;
.menuItems {
  background: url(/shared/images/menu/menu_button_bg.png) repeat-x;
  height: 30px;
.menuItems:after { 
  content: ".";
  height: 0; 
  clear: both; 
  display: none;
.menuItems li {
  width: 80px;
  float: left;
.menuItems li a {
  color: #0d2a86;
  font-size: 14px;
  font-weight: bold;
  text-decoration: none;
  text-align: center;
  height: 24px;
  padding-top: 6px;
  border-right: 1px solid #f3f3f3;
  display: block;
.menuItems li a:hover, .menuItems li .selected {
  background: url(/shared/images/menu/menu_button_bg_selected.png) repeat-x;
  color: #518ed3;
.menuItems li ul {
  position: absolute;
    z-index: 100;
    border: 1px solid #e0e7ef;
    border-top: 0;
  display: none;
.menuItems li ul li {
  width: 77px;
  clear: both;
.menuItems li ul li a {
  background: #f3f3f3;
  font-size: 12px;
  font-weight: normal;
  height: 18px;
  padding: 0;
  padding-top: 2px;
  border: 0;
.menuItems li ul li a:hover, .menuItems li ul li .selected {
  background: #e0e7ef;
.visible {
  display: block;
.hidden {
  display: none;

Non so se hai bisogno di jQuery, vedi l'esempio di domIterator di seguito ...

    menu.js     : main menu javascript class for
    Author      : 'Eugene Kerner' <>
    Date        : 14-12-2007
    Dependencies: menu.css
                : an unordered list structure as per the below Example.
                : a javascript call to menu.init(menuId, selectedMenuItemsArray) as per the below Example.
    Notes       : if your menu link has an onclick that returns false then it needs to call menu.init before returning (see Example).
    Example     : -
    <ul id="mainMenu" class="menuItems">
        <a href="/">Menu Item</a>
          <li><a href="/webpage" onclick="'/webpage'); menu.init('mainMenu', ['Menu Item', 'Sub Menu Item']); return false;">Sub Menu Item</a></li>
    <script type="text/javascript">menu.init('mainMenu', ['Menu Item']);</script>

var menu = {

  selectedItems : [],

  init : function(menuId, selectedMenuItems)
    this.selectedItems = selectedMenuItems;
    var menuItem = domIterator.getFirstChild(document.getElementById(menuId));
    while (menuItem) {
      var menuItemLink = domIterator.getFirstChild(menuItem);
      var subMenu      = domIterator.getNextSibling(menuItemLink);
      if (subMenu) {
        menuItem.onmouseover = function(){menu.showSubMenu(this)};
        menuItem.onmouseout  = function(){menu.hideSubMenu(this)};
        var subMenuLinks = subMenu.getElementsByTagName('a');
        for (var i = 0; i < subMenuLinks.length; i++)
      menuItem = domIterator.getNextSibling(menuItem);

  applySelectedClass : function(menuLink)
    for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedItems.length; i++) {
      if (menuLink.innerHTML == this.selectedItems[i]) {
        menuLink.className = 'selected';
    menuLink.className = '';

  showSubMenu : function(menuItem)
    domIterator.getFirstChild(menuItem).className     = 'selected';
    domIterator.getLastChild (menuItem).style.display = 'block';

  hideSubMenu : function(menuItem)
    domIterator.getLastChild (menuItem).style.display = 'none';

}; // end menu

var domIterator = {

  getFirstChild : function(elem)
    if (elem) return domIterator.continueUntilType1(elem.firstChild, 'next');

  getLastChild : function(elem)
    if (elem) return domIterator.continueUntilType1(elem.lastChild, 'previous');

  getNextSibling : function(elem)
    if (elem) return domIterator.continueUntilType1(elem.nextSibling, 'next');

  continueUntilType1 : function(elem, direction) 
    while (elem && elem.nodeType != 1)
      elem = elem[direction + 'Sibling'];
    return elem;

}; // end domIterator
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