
Can I split an array into two separated ones with each element in the original array separated by a ":"? The text before the ":" goes to array1, the text after ":" goes to array2

<cfset tempArr = DeserializeJSON( />
<cfset selectList = "" />
    <cfloop array=#tempArr# index="i">
<cfset selectList = listappend(selectList,i) />

Right now this code grabs the whole element and not separately.


A sample string would be:


first_name goes into selectList1 Bob goes into selectList2

The grand scheme of things would have other fields likewise:





EDIT: Answer

Problem was solved by using the code

<cfset temp1 = "" />
<cfset temp2 = "" />
<cfset selectList1 = "" /><!---Holds column names for tables--->
<cfset selectList2 = "" /><!---Holds query parameters for column names. Ie,
                                    values for use in the WHERE clause--->

<cfloop array=#tempArr# index="i"><!---Loop through contents of the array--->
    <cfset temp1 = GetToken(i,1,":")/><!---Store the column name--->
    <cfset temp2 = GetToken(i,2,":")/><!---Query parameter--->

    <cfset selectList1 = listAppend(selectList1, temp1)/><!---Adds to list of column names--->
    <cfset selectList2 = listAppend(selectList2, temp2)/><!---Adds to the list of query parameters--->
È stato utile?


I think without seeing your array example, you mean splitting the data in the array into two lists?

<cfset selectList1 = listAppend(selectList1, listFirst(i,':')) >
<cfset selectList2 = listAppend(selectList2, listLast(i,':')) >

Altri suggerimenti

variables.lstString             = "First_Name:John,Last_Name:McClane";
variables.lstFields             = "";
variables.lstValues             = "";

for(variables.i=1;variables.i lte listlen(variables.lstString,',');variables.i++){
    variables.lstFields         &= (listlen(variables.lstFields) gt 0) ? ",#getToken(getToken(variables.lstString,variables.i,','),1,':')#" : getToken(getToken(variables.lstString,variables.i,','),1,':');
    variables.lstValues         &= (listlen(variables.lstValues) gt 0) ? ",#getToken(getToken(variables.lstString,variables.i,','),2,':')#" : getToken(getToken(variables.lstString,variables.i,','),2,':');


why not convert the array in a list

<cfset list = arraytolist(array,",")>

and then use regex for getting the first chunk of elements, e.g. half the len of the array or whatever you like chunk size.

<cfset chunksize = int(listlen(list)/2)+1>

and then do a new array with a listpart (chunK) in each element:

    function ListSplit(list, chunkysize, delim)
        var result = ArrayNew(1); 
        var re = "";
        var start = 1;
        while(1) {
            re = REFind("((?:[^#delim#]+#delim#){1,#chunkysize#})", list & delim, start, "true");
            if( re.len[1] eq 0 ) break;
            ArrayAppend(result, Mid(list,re.pos[1],re.len[1]-len(delim)));
            start = re.pos[1] + re.len[1];
            if(start gte len(list)) break;
        return result;
<cfset newarray = ListSplit(list, chunksize, ",")>

e.g. list is 1,2,3,5,10,11,22,33,44,55,60,61,62,63,64 and you want split the list in 2 chunks then chunksize will be 8 the array will be result[1] = "1,2,3,5,10,11,22,33" result[2] = "44,55,60,61,62,63,64"

or get 3 chunks with gives you result[1] = "1,2,3,5,10" result[2] = "11,22,33,44,55" result[3] = "60,61,62,63,64"


I found the script from Nathan Youngman its very useful for dividing long lists or array in chunks of a given size

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