
Can any Windows Phone Application developer help?

When i run my project, emulator starts and shut down, and the error The interface is unknown is displayed in error log in Visual Studio.

It was running fine the other day.

What should i do to get rid of this error?

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Soluzione 2

Identified what the problem was :-) "Windows Phone Emulator-512" is compatible with only Visual Studio 2012; it is not backward compatible with earlier versions of Visual Studio. So, now i used "Windows Phone Emulator-256", it's working fine :-) Thanks to:

Altri suggerimenti

If you are using Visual Studio 2010, the window phone emulator for widow phone 7 series suites your PC. if you are experiencing problems with it, simply download Visual studio 2010 service pack 1 and re-install the tools. you can also update your .net frameworks from windows update. if you are using Visual studio 2012, then you must be using the window phone 8 emulator which runs on only 64 bit and window 8 pro (or advanced) machines. it works on the visual machine. so you can re-install your Hyper V drivers or re-install the SDK i hope this help fix the problem permanently.

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