
Is it possible to have restricts of the XSD date and time data types for the current date? For example, if you want to set the maxInclusive of a date to the current date:

<xs:element name="DateOfBirths" type="birthsDate"/>    
 <xs:simpleType name="birthsDate">
  <xs:restriction base="xs:date">
   <xs:minInclusive value="1920-01-01"/>
   <xs:maxInclusive value="current-date()" fixed="true"/>

If this is not possible per default, does a workaround exist? Any help would be appreciated.

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XSD doesn't support calls to XPath functions in setting facet values, so (as you presumably already know) the code in the question won't work.

The most obvious workarounds are

  • Use XSD 1.1 and check the constraint in an assertion.
  • Use Schematron and check the constraint in an assertion.
  • Check the constraint at the application level.
  • Move the declaration of the birthDate type into a schema document of its own; periodically generate a new version of that schema document, either by hand or using a cron job or something similar. The schema document generated today would have

    <xs:maxInclusive value="2013-06-20"/>

    and the schema document generated tomorrow would have

    <xs:maxInclusive value="2013-06-21"/>
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