
I have to compare two lists of type Slide which contain another List of Items, called Charts. I have to find all differences between the Slide-lists, whereby a difference could be:

a Slide in List A , but not in B

a Slide in List A , but not in B

a Slide which is in both Lists, but their Charts are different

I tried to use except, but it returns Lists with different Charts as "the same". Example List A: A B C D List B: A B C D* (d contains different charts) Should return D*, but this does not work.

I am little bit confused as to why this happens - to comparer looks ok for me.

My code:

class PPDetectDifferences
    private PPPresentation laterVersion;
    private string Path { get; set; }

    private PPPresentation OriginalPresentation { get; set; }

    private PPPresentation GetLaterPresentation()
        var ppDal = new PPDAL(Path);
        Task<PPPresentation> task = Task.Run(() => ppDal.GetPresentation());

        var presentation = task.Result;
        return presentation;

    public PPDetectDifferences(string path, PPPresentation ppPresentation)
        if (path != null)
            this.Path = path;
            throw new ArgumentNullException("path");

        if (ppPresentation != null)
            this.OriginalPresentation = ppPresentation;
            throw new ArgumentNullException("ppPresentation");

    public bool IsDifferent()
        //// getting the new List of Slides
        laterVersion = GetLaterPresentation();

        //// Compare the newer version with the older version
        var result = laterVersion.Slides.Except(OriginalPresentation.Slides, new PPSlideComparer()).ToList();

        //// If there are no differences, result.count should be 0, otherwise some other value.
        return result.Count != 0;

/// <summary>
/// Compares two Slides with each other
/// </summary>
public class PPSlideComparer : IEqualityComparer<PPSlide>
    public int GetHashCode(PPSlide slide)
        if (slide == null)
            return 0;
        //// ID is an INT, which is unique to this Slide
        return slide.ID.GetHashCode();

    public bool Equals(PPSlide s1, PPSlide s2)
        var s1Charts = (from x in s1.Charts select x).ToList();
        var s2Charts = (from x in s2.Charts select x).ToList();

        var result = s1Charts.Except(s2Charts, new PPChartComparer()).ToList();

        return result.Count == 0;

/// <summary>
/// Compares two Charts with each other
/// </summary>
public class PPChartComparer : IEqualityComparer<PPChart>
    public int GetHashCode(PPChart chart)
        //// UID is an INT, which is unique to this chart
        return chart == null ? 0 : chart.UID.GetHashCode();

    public bool Equals(PPChart c1, PPChart c2)
        var rvalue = c1.UID == c2.UID;

        if (c1.ChartType != c2.ChartType)
            rvalue = false;
        return rvalue;
È stato utile?

Soluzione 2

To compare two sequences using except, you'll need to check both directions. For example:

List<T> a, b;
IEqualityComparer<T> cmp = ...
var areEqual = !a.Except(b, cmp).Concat(b.Except(c, cmp)).Any();

This issue comes up twice in your code: first when you are comparing 2 lists of slides and again when you are comparing 2 lists of charts.

Another thing to be aware of when using Except() for collection comparison is that it acts as a set operation. Thus, { A, A, A }.Except({ A }) will return empty.

Thus, I'd recommend something more like the following:

public static bool CollectionEquals<T>(this ICollection<T> @this, ICollection<T> that,  IEqualityComparer<T> cmp = null)
    // to be equal, the 2 collections must not be null unless they're both null or have the same count
    if (ReferenceEquals(@this, that)) { return true; }
    if (@this == null || that == null) { return false; }
    if (@this.Count != that.Count) { return false; }

    // use the default comparer if one wasn't passed in
    var comparer = cmp ?? EqualityComparer<T>.Default;

    // to handle duplicates, we convert @this into a "bag" (a mapping 
    // from value -> # occurrences of that value in the collection
    var thisDict = @this.GroupBy(t => t, comparer)
        .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Count(), comparer);
    // do the same for that
    var thatDict = @this.GroupBy(t => t, comparer)
        .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Count(), comparer);

    // the two collections are equal if they have the same number of distinct values
    return thisDict.Count == thatDict.Count
        // and if, for each distinct value in @this, that value is also in that
        // and has the same number of occurrences in @this and that
        && thisDict.All(kvp => thatDict.ContainsKey(kvp.Key) 
                        && thatDict[kvp.Key] == kvp.Value);

Altri suggerimenti

Your compare seems to be wrong. If you use except to compare lists then you must do it in both ways.

From MSDN:

"This method returns those elements in first that do not appear in second. It does not also return those elements in second that do not appear in first."

In your case:

public bool Equals(PPSlide s1, PPSlide s2)
    var s1Charts = (from x in s1.Charts select x).ToList();
    var s2Charts = (from x in s2.Charts select x).ToList();

    var result = s1Charts.Except(s2Charts, new PPChartComparer()).ToList();

    return result.Count == 0;

If s1Charts has more element than s2Charts then result.Count > 0 otherwise result.Count is zero.

quick fix could be:

var result2 = s2Charts.Except(s1Charts, new PPChartComparer()).ToList();

return result.Count == 0 and result2.Count == 0;
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