
Im trying to learn NodeJS and Express. Im using the node-localstorage package to access the localstorage. This works when using the code directly in the function like this


exports.index = function(req, res)
     if (typeof localStorage === "undefined" || localStorage === null) 
        var LocalStorage = require('node-localstorage').LocalStorage;
        localStorage = new LocalStorage('./scratch');

localStorage.setItem('myFirstKey', 'myFirstValue');
res.render('social/index', {title: "Start"});

But I don't want to write this code over and over again in all my other functions when accessing the localstorage. I want to be able to register a helper function that I can access like

 var localStorage = helpers.getLocalStorage

or something like that.

How can I do this in NodeJS? I've seen something about app.locals? But how can I access the app object in my routes?

È stato utile?


There are many ways to do this, depending on how/where you are planning to use your helper methods. I personally prefer to set my own node_modules folder, called utils, with all the helpers and utility methods I need.

For example, assuming the following project structure:


Simply add a utils folder, under node_modules, with a index.js file containing:

function getLocalStorage(firstValue){
   if (typeof localStorage === "undefined" || localStorage === null) 
      var LocalStorage = require('node-localstorage').LocalStorage;
      localStorage = new LocalStorage('./scratch');
   localStorage.setItem('myFirstKey', 'myFirstValue');
   return localStorage;
exports.getLocalStorage = getLocalStorage;

Then, anytime you need this function, simply require the module utils:

var helpers = require('utils');
exports.index = function(req, res){
  localStorage = helpers.getLocalStorage('firstValue');
  res.render('social/index', {title: "Start"});

EDIT As noted by Sean in the comments, this approach works as long as you name your node_modules folder with a name different from Node's core modules. This is because:

Core modules are always preferentially loaded if their identifier is passed to require(). For instance, require('http') will always return the built in HTTP module, even if there is a file by that name.

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