
I'm using Aquamacs to do most of my text editing, and would like to, selectively, open some files as root when editing them.

Is there a way for me to open some files as root with Aquamacs (and not the rest)?

I know that I can just start Aquamacs with a sudo command, but that's a bit too risky for me - I'd rather only have root permissions for editing files which absolutely require it.

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You can open a file as root using TRAMP (bundled with Emacs since version 22.1):

C-x C-f /sudo:root@localhost:/path/to/file RET

If you don't insert the username@host part, TRAMP defaults to root@localhost when using /sudo, so you can shorten the syntax to

C-x C-f /sudo::/path/to/file RET

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