
I created a numpy.recarray from a .csv-Inputfile using the csv2rec()-Method. The Inputfile and consequently the recarray have empty rows with no data (resp. nan-values). I want to slice this recarray at the nan-rows into multiple sub-arrays, excluding the nan-rows in the final arrays as shown below.

Original recarray with 2 columns:


2 sub-arrays without nan-values:




I know this could be managed using a loop but maybe there's a simpler and more elegant way? Additionally: Is it possible to keep the header-information of each column so I can refer to the columns by the parameter-name and not only the col-index after the slicing?

È stato utile?


For a 2D-array:


For a structured array (recarray) you can do this:

def remove_nan(a, split=True):
    cols = [i[0] for i in eval(str(a.dtype))]
    col = cols[0]
    test = ~np.isnan(a[col])
    if not split:
        new_len = len(a[col][test])
        new = np.empty((new_len,), dtype=a.dtype)
        for col in cols:
            new[col] = a[col][~np.isnan(a[col])]
        return new
        indices = [i for i in xrange(len(a)-1) if test[i+1]!=test[i]]
        return [i for i in np.split(a, indices) if not np.isnan(i[col][0])]

To get only the lines without nan use split=False. Example:

a = np.array([(1,2),(2,2),(nan,nan),(nan,nan),(4,4),(4,3)], dtype=[('test',float),('col2',float)])


#[array([(1.0, 2.0), (2.0, 2.0)],
#      dtype=[('test', '<f8'), ('col2', '<f8')]),
# array([(4.0, 4.0), (4.0, 3.0)],
#      dtype=[('test', '<f8'), ('col2', '<f8')])]

Altri suggerimenti

If you just wish to get rid of the blanks, rather than slice on them, then just compress your array with the selection criteria being a check for not nan. Hint, nan <> nan.

If you really wish to slice at the nans then use a loop of some such to generate a list of the Non-Nan indexes and then use choose to generate the sub-arrays - they should retain the col names that way.

You can use scipy.ndimage.label to get regions in an array of 0's and 1's:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy import ndimage
>>> nan = np.nan
>>> a = np.array([(1,2),(2,2),(nan,nan),(nan,nan),(4,4),(4,3)], dtype=[('test',float),('col2',float)])
>>> non_nan = np.logical_not(np.isnan(a['test'])).astype(int)
>>> labeled_array, num_features = ndimage.label(non_nan)
>>> for region in range(1,num_features+1):
...     #m = a[np.where(labeled_array==region)]
...     m = a[labeled_array==region]
...     print(region)
...     print(m)
...     print(m['col2'])
[(1.0, 2.0) (2.0, 2.0)]
[ 2.  2.]
[(4.0, 4.0) (4.0, 3.0)]
[ 4.  3.]

If you know you will always have two regions then you don't need the loop and just refer to:

m1 = a[labeled_array==1]
m2 = a[labeled_array==2]
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