
I want to create a simple game for BlackBerry 10 and I want to use cocos2d-x as a game engine. I compiled and ran examples from cosos-2d-x on simulator and it works fine. But problem is when I create new project and reference to cocos2d-x project. During building new project linker couldn't find some header files. How to set up cocos2d-x to Blackberry 10 project?

How I did it so far?

  1. Unzipped
  2. In QNX Momentics IDE I chose File->Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace
  3. In Import window I selected root directory (where I unzipped cocos2d-x) and selected Box2D, chipmunk, cocos2dx, CocosDenshion, extensions, HelloCpp, SimpleGame, TestCpp (all for Blackberry) and pressed Finish button. I didn't change default options in Import window.
  4. I created New BlackBerry Project and in Properties of new project in Project References I selected Box2D, chipmunk, cocos2dx, CocosDenshion and extensions.
  5. To new project I pasted code from HelloCpp for bulid test.

After that I received build errors. Should I set up Path and Symbols in Properties of project?

Thanks for the reply.


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Hi Rafal and nosmirck,

I wrote the post on denvycom ( about setting up Cocos2dx for Blackberry. Basically, I imagine the WebPInitDecoder error is as a result of a missing or unreferenced code file were it has been defined. Like I mentioned in the post, commenting out these files made the BBTemplateProject build successfully and run on my BBz10. Thus far, I have had no trouble using the BBTemplateProject (with the commented files) as a base for my preliminary projects .

Did commenting the files out solve your compile errors ?

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