
I have one legacy app (VB) and I have an issue with the timeout error while connecting to SQL Server (probably through OLEDB).

enter image description here

Using SQL Profiler I figure out that the connection is dropped through exactly 30 seconds.

enter image description here

I don't have access to the source codes but I scanned exe resources and couldn't find any hardcoded connection string timeout values there.

The last chance I think I have is to change the default OLEDB timeout somewhere outside the app.

My question is: it is possible to change default OLEDB timeout value?


I found the connection string and changed timeout to 300 but it does not help...

Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=______;Password=______;Initial Catalog=________;Data Source=______;Connect Timeout=300

After that I tried to replace current connection string with connection strings from different providers: ADO.NET and ODBC but every time I get an timeout error after 30 seconds - checkmate.


I'll be happy to any advice

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Soluzione 3

I found the answer here. It is the command timeout and it must be configured from particular command object.

Altri suggerimenti

Connect timeout is the limit of time to connect to the server, not to execute a command, so setting it will not help at all

There is property called "Connect Timeout". You can add this property to the connection string available in your application.

Below is the sample connection string with user specified timeout value: (Note: Connect Timeout value is always in seconds)

connectionString="Data Source=ServerName;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;User ID=sa;Password=tiger;Connect Timeout=200"

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