
I'm writing a Monte Carlo simulation in Java that involves generating a lot of random integers. My thinking was that native code would be faster for random number generation, so I should write the code in C++ and return the output via JNI. But when I wrote the same method in C++, it actually takes longer to execute than the Java version. Here are the code samples:

Random rand = new Random();
int threshold = 5;
int[] composition = {10, 10, 10, 10, 10};
for (int j = 0; j < 100000000; j++) {
    double sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < composition[0]; i++) sum += carbon(rand);
    for (int i = 0; i < composition[1]; i++) sum += hydrogen(rand);
    for (int i = 0; i < composition[2]; i++) sum += nitrogen(rand);
    for (int i = 0; i < composition[3]; i++) sum += oxygen(rand);
    for (int i = 0; i < composition[4]; i++) sum += sulfur(rand);
    if (sum < threshold) {}//execute some code
    else {}//execute some other code

And the equivalent code in C++:

int threshold = 5;
int composition [5] = {10, 10, 10, 10, 10};
for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++)
    double sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < composition[0]; i++) sum += carbon();
    for (int i = 0; i < composition[1]; i++) sum += hydrogen();
    for (int i = 0; i < composition[2]; i++) sum += nitrogen();
    for (int i = 0; i < composition[3]; i++) sum += oxygen();
    for (int i = 0; i < composition[4]; i++) sum += sulfur();
    if (sum > threshold) {}
    else {}

All of the element methods (carbon, hydrogen, etc) just generate a random number and return a double.

Runtimes are 77.471 sec for the Java code, and 121.777 sec for C++.

Admittedly I'm not very experienced in C++ so it's possible that the cause is just badly written code.

È stato utile?


I suspect that the performance issue is in the bodies of your carbon(), hydrogen(), nitrogen(), oxygen(), and sulfur() functions. You should show how they produce the random data.

Or it could be in the if (sum < threshold) {} else {} code.

I wanted to keep setting the seed so the results would not be deterministic (closer to being truly random)

Since you're using the result of time(0) as a seed you're not getting particularly random results either way.

Instead of using srand() and rand() you should take a look at the <random> library and choose an engine with the performance/quality characteristics that meed your needs. If your implementation supports it you can even get non-deterministic random data from std::random_device (either to generate seeds or as an engine).

Additionally <random> provides pre-made distributions such as std::uniform_real_distribution<double> which is likely to be better than the average programmer's method of manually computing the distribution you want from the results of rand().

Okay, here's how you can eliminate the inner loops from your code and drastically speed it up (In Java or C++).

Your code:

double carbon() {
  if (rand() % 10000 < 107)
    return 13.0033548378;
    return 12.0;

picks one of two values with a particular probability. Presumably you intended the first value to be picked about 107 times out of 10000 (although using % with rand() doesn't quite give you that). When you run this in a loop and sum the results as in:

for (int i = 0; i < composition[0]; i++) sum += carbon();

you'll essentially get sum += X*13.0033548378 + Y*12.0; where X is the number of times the random number stays under the threshold and Y is (trials-X). It just so happens that you can simulate running a bunch of trials and calculating the number of successes using a binomial distribution, and <random> happens to provide a binomial distribution.

Given a function sum_trials()

std::minstd_rand0 eng; // global random engine

double sum_trials(int trials, double probability, double A, double B) {
  std::binomial_distribution<> dist(trials, probability);
  int successes = dist(eng);
  return successes*A + (trials-successes)*B;

You can replace your carbon() loop:

sum += sum_trials(composition[0], 107.0/10000.0, 13.003354378, 12.0); // carbon trials

I don't have the actual values you're using, but your whole loop will look something like:

  for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
     double sum = 0;
     sum += sum_trials(composition[0], 107.0/10000.0, 13.003354378, 12.0); // carbon trials
     sum += sum_trials(composition[1], 107.0/10000.0, 13.003354378, 12.0); // hydrogen trials
     sum += sum_trials(composition[2], 107.0/10000.0, 13.003354378, 12.0); // nitrogen trials
     sum += sum_trials(composition[3], 107.0/10000.0, 13.003354378, 12.0); // oxygen trials
     sum += sum_trials(composition[4], 107.0/10000.0, 13.003354378, 12.0); // sulfur trials

     if (sum > threshold) {
     } else {

Now one thing to note is that inside the function we're constructing distributions over and over with the same data. We can extract that by replacing the function sum_trials() with a function object, which we construct with the appropriate data once before the loop, and then just use the functor repeatedly:

struct sum_trials {
  std::binomial_distribution<> dist;
  double A; double B; int trials;

  sum_trials(int t, double p, double a, double b) : dist{t, p}, A{a}, B{b}, trials{t} {}

  double operator() () {
    int successes = dist(eng);
    return successes * A + (trials - successes) * B;

int main() {
  int threshold = 5;
  int composition[5] = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };

  sum_trials carbon   = { composition[0], 107.0/10000.0, 13.003354378, 12.0};
  sum_trials hydrogen = { composition[1], 107.0/10000.0, 13.003354378, 12.0};
  sum_trials nitrogen = { composition[2], 107.0/10000.0, 13.003354378, 12.0};
  sum_trials oxygen   = { composition[3], 107.0/10000.0, 13.003354378, 12.0};
  sum_trials sulfur   = { composition[4], 107.0/10000.0, 13.003354378, 12.0};

  for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
     double sum = 0;

     sum += carbon();
     sum += hydrogen();
     sum += nitrogen();
     sum += oxygen();
     sum += sulfur();

     if (sum > threshold) {
     } else {

The original version of the code took my system about one minute 30 seconds. The last version here takes 11 seconds.

Here's a functor to generate the oxygen sums using two binomial_distributions. Maybe one of the other distributions can do this in one shot but I don't know.

struct sum_trials2 {
  std::binomial_distribution<> d1;
  std::binomial_distribution<> d2;
  double A; double B; double C;
  int trials;
  double probabilty2;

  sum_trials2(int t, double p1, double p2, double a, double b, double c)
    : d1{t, p1}, A{a}, B{b}, C{c}, trials{t}, probability2{p2} {}

  double operator() () {
    int X = d1(eng);
    d2.param(std::binomial_distribution<>{trials-X, p2}.param());
    int Y = d2(eng);

    return X*A + Y*B + (trials-X-Y)*C;

sum_trials2 oxygen{composition[3], 17.0/1000.0, (47.0-17.0)/(1000.0-17.0), 17.9999, 16.999, 15.999};

You can further speed this up if you can just calculate the probability that the sum is under your threshold:

int main() {
  std::minstd_rand0 eng;
  std::bernoulli_distribution dist(probability_sum_is_over_threshold);

  for (int i=0; i< 100000000; ++i) {
    if (dist(eng)) {
    } else {

Unless the values for the other elements can be negative then the probability that the sum is greater than five is 100%. In that case you don't even need to generate random data; execute the 'if' branch of your code 100,000,000 times.

int main() {
  for (int i=0; i< 100000000; ++i) {
    //execute some code

Altri suggerimenti

Java (actually the JIT) is generally very good at detecting code which doesn't do anything useful. This is because the JIT can obtain information at runtime a static compiler cannot determine. For code which can be optimised away, Java can actually be faster than C++. In general however, a well tuned C++ program is faster than one in Java.

In short, given any amount of time, C++ will be faster for a well understand, well tuned program. However, given limited resources, changing requirements and teams of mixed ability Java can often outperform C++ by a significant margin.

All that said, it could be that the random in C++ is better, but more expensive.

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