
For the next project my team is working on, we have an ASP.NET/HTML 4 project that we're (slowly) upgrading to MVC 4.0/HTML 5. It is a requirement that this setup work on IE 9, but we can't yet fully upgrade to HTML 5 for a number of reasons.

The problem I am trying to solve involves the simple task of toggling a callout, based on the jQuery :hidden selector. While it is possible to get the callout to appear, getting it to hide is causing me some trouble.

We have an MVC partial with the following markup:

<link rel='stylesheet' href='my-styles.css' />

    @Html.LabelFor(m => m.PersonName, "Person's Name")
    @Html.InputFor(m => m.PersonName)
    <a href='#' id='info-link'>[ ! ]</a>

<div id='info-callout' class='callout hidden'>
    <div class='callout-before'></div><div class='callout-main'>
        This is the name of the person this form refers to.

<script src='this-form.js'></script>

...and inside of this-form.js:

var MyTeamCallout = function($control, $callout) {
    var pub = {};
    pub.$control = $control;
    pub.$callout = $callout;

    pub.RegisterClickEvent = function () {
      pub.$ () {

          // Repositioning of the control removed for purposes of this post.
          if(pub.$':hidden')) {
          else {

    return pub;

// --- Functional Code... -----------------------------------
var $link = $('#info-link'),
    $callout = $('#info-callout');

$(document).ready(function () {
    var calloutObject = new MyTeamCallout($link, $callout);

...Finally, with the given CSS:

.hidden {
    display: none;

.callout {
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 2;
    /* Left/Top assigned by JavaScript, normally */

.callout-before {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0.5em;
    left: -1em;

    /* SNIP: Borders are used to create a CSS triangle. */

    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    width: 10em;

When I run this in IE9, I can cause the callout to appear, but not to hide again. I am showing no JavaScript errors in F12 Developer Tools.

Questions: A) Are there known compatibility issues with the :hidden selector in IE9 Quirks Mode? B) If so, what would be a better vehicle to overcome these limitations?*

*: The problem in question is a little more complex than I've posted here, but our current solution uses the :hidden selector. I'm trying to preserve that if at all possible.

È stato utile?

Soluzione 2

I don't see any documentation about it, but I doubt that :hidden works in QuirksMode as a psuedo selector. You probably need to instead make a direct comparison against the visibility / display state / opacity of the element.

Altri suggerimenti

jQuery does not support Quirks mode. The lowest browser they support (or have ever supported) is IE6 in Standards mode.

So the fact that something has broken is not a surprise; in fact, if anything in jQuery works in Quirks mode, you should consider it lucky.

I strongly recommend trying to bring the site into standards mode as soon as possible by adding a doctype. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to go all HTML5, but you should consider at least making the minimal switch to standards mode to be a priority.

If you're worried about your layout breaking in standards mode, try adding

* {box-sizing:border-box;}

to the top of your CSS file; this will set the standards mode box model to emulate quirks mode, and will mitigate a large portion of the layout glitches that occur due to the switch.

Hope that helps.

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