
I have an application which will use measurements, specifically down to 1/16 of an inch. I would really like a convenient way for an end user to enter a value INCLUDING a fractional part, for example, 3 7/16. I realize that I can require the user to just enter decimal values (i.e. 3.1875), but I would really like a better way. Does anyone know of a drop down or spin control that makes this easy to enter? (ideally a DB version of the control.)

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You can do simply

function FractionToFloat(const S: string): real;
  BarPos: integer;
  numStr, denomStr: string;
  num, denom: real;
  BarPos := Pos('/', S);
  if BarPos = 0 then
  numStr := Trim(Copy(S, 1, BarPos - 1));
  denomStr := Trim(Copy(S, BarPos + 1, Length(S)));
  num := StrToFloat(numStr);
  denom := StrToFloat(denomStr);
  result := num/denom;

This will accept input of the form examplified by 3/7 and -4 / 91.5.

To allow an integer part, add

function FullFractionToFloat(S: string): real;
  SpPos: integer;
  intStr: string;
  frStr: string;
  int: real;
  fr: real;
  S := Trim(S);
  SpPos := Pos(' ', S);
  if SpPos = 0 then
  intStr := Trim(Copy(S, 1, SpPos - 1));
  frStr := Trim(Copy(S, SpPos + 1, Length(S)));
  int := StrToFloat(intStr);
  fr := FractionToFloat(frStr);
  result := int + fr;

This will in addition accept input of the form examplified by 1 1/2.

Altri suggerimenti

I happen to have written a control many years ago and am currently finishing up an update to it that includes metric conversion as well. It allows the user and developer to toggle between ft in, dec in, dec ft, mm, cm, m just with a right click or setting the mode in design time. It also handles rounding to the nearest 16th, 32nd or what ever you need for metric. Check it out on most of the delphi component sites like or my old site at I hope to have the new version done in a day or 2 and published.

Forgot to mention the most important part: It is call TMaskFtInch

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