
There are two tables in the salesforce schema

               +--------------+      +-------------+
               |   Case       |      |   User      |
               |--------------|      |-------------|
               | CaseNumber   |      |id           |
               | ContactId    |      |OwnerId      |
               | IsClosed     |      |UserName     |
               +--------------+      +-------------+

ContactId is a foreign key that maps to OwnerId (notice how foo is in both tables?)

  +-------------------------------------+        +----------------------------+
  |                     Case            |        |             User           |
  |-------------------------------------|        |----------------------------|
  |CaseNumber |  ContactId |  IsClosed  |        | id | OwnerId | UserName    |
  |                                     |        |                            |
  |1             foo          false     |        | 42   foo       bob         |
  |2             bar          true      |        | 99   bar       joe         |
  |3             foobar       false     |        | 10   foobar    sally       |
  |                                     |        |                            |
  +-------------------------------------+        +----------------------------+

I want to show the relationship between a Case and a User. (eg. bob has case 1, joe has case 2 ect..) I believe that is called a Left Inner Join. Correct me if I am wrong.

|                                     |
|  Case.CaseNumber | User.UserName    |
|                                     |
|     1               bob             |
|     2               joe             |
|     3               sally           |
|                                     |

Here is how I think the SOQL query should look.

SELECT Case.CaseNumber, User.OwnerId
WHERE Case.ContactId IN (SELECT User.OwnerId FROM User)

I'm am following the examples in the Salesfoce SOQL documentation

What is the correct syntax to query CaseNumber and UserName ?

È stato utile?


I'm not sure if I'm following you on the schema. However, this SOQL should give you what you need.

SELECT CaseNumber, Owner.Name FROM Case

Here's a more general link that should help in writing queries like this

Altri suggerimenti

Case per Contact :

List<Contact> contacts = [SELECT Id, LastName, (SELECT ID FROM Cases) FROM Contact];
System.debug(contacts[0].Cases);       //list of cases for first contact
if(contacts[0].Cases.isEmpty() == false)
      System.debug(contacts[0].Cases[0].CaseNumber);  //case number of first case of first contact

Case per User :

List<User> users = [SELECT Id, LastName, (SELECT ID FROM Cases) FROM User];
System.debug(users[0].Cases);    //list of cases for the first user
if(users[0].Cases.isEmpty() == false)
     System.debug(users[0].Cases[0].CaseNumber);  //case number of first case for first user

Other query : Only the contacts with opened cases

List<Contact> contacts = [SELECT Id, LastName, (SELECT ID FROM Cases WHERE CloseDate = null) FROM Contact WHERE Id IN (SELECT ContactId FROM Cases WHERE CloseDate = null)];

I hope that helps

I see that they all ready help you but I still wanted to add something...

You can always use :workbench site

or to test your query

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