
I'm trying to Uploadify to clear an upload queue as well as delete the uploaded files. The problem is this. If I upload 5 files (with an uploadLimit of 5 set), they upload the first time. But if I clear the queue using this:

<a class="button" href="javascript:jQuery('#attachment').uploadify('cancel', '*');">Clear Upload Queue</a>

it removes the files visually from the screen, but I still can't uploaded any more files. I tried using:

jQuery('#attachment').uploadify('settings', 'uploadLimit', 5) in onQueueClear but it doesn't reset the uploadLimit. How can I reset the uploadLimit after the queue has been cleared? Here is my code:

    swf: '/javascript/uploadify/uploadify.swf',
    uploader: '/javascript/uploadify/uploadify.php',
    uploadFolder: 'temp',
    uploadTime: UPLOAD_TIME,
    uploadToken: UPLOAD_TOKEN,
    cancelImage: '/javascript/uploadify/cancel.png',
    fileTypeExts: '*.jpg; *.gif; *.png; *.jpeg; *.doc; *.docx; *.zip; *.pdf; *.xls; *.xlsx; *.JPG',
    fileTypeDesc: 'Allowed Files',
    auto: true,
    multi: true,
    removeCompleted: false,
    simUploadLimit: 1,
    fileSizeLimit: '3MB',
    allowedFiles: '*.jpg; *.gif; *.png; *.jpeg; *.doc; *.docx; *.zip; *.pdf; *.xls; *.xlsx; *.JPG',
    // allowedFiles:    '*.cdt;*.con;*.doc;*.docx;*.dxd;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.key;*.lab;*.mov;*.mp4;*.m4v;*.pdf;*.png;*.pps;*.ppt;*.pptx;*.rst;*.txt;*.wmv;*.xls;*.xlsx;*.zip',
    uploadLimit: 5,
    width: 210,
    height: 40,
    buttonText: 'Click to Add Up to 5 Attachments',
    buttonImage: '/images/content/mail/add-attachments.png',
    onUploadStart: function (file) {
        jQuery('.submit').attr('disabled', 'disabled');

        if (parseInt($.cookie('size')) > 0) {
            $.cookie('size', parseInt($.cookie('size')) + file.size);
        } else {
            $.cookie('size', file.size);

        if (parseInt($.cookie('size')) > 30000000) {
            alert('You have exceeded the maximum queue size.  Please delete one or more files from your upload.  You can clear your queue by clicking the button below.');
            jQuery('#attachment').uploadify('cancel', '*');
    onUploadSuccess: function (file, data, response) {

        try {
            obj = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
            if (obj.success) {
                jQuery('#' +'<input type="hidden" name="temp_image_path[]" value="' + + '" /><input type="hidden" name="original_name[]" value="' + obj.file.original_name + '" />');
        } catch (e) {
            // do nothing

    onUploadError: function (file, errorCode, errorMsg, errorString) {
        alert('The file ' + + ' could not be uploaded: ' + errorString);
    onQueueComplete: function () {
    onClearQueue: function (queueItemCount) {
        //jQuery('.submit').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
        var file = (queueItemCount == 1) ? 'file has' : 'files have';
        alert(queueItemCount + ' ' + file + ' been removed from your upload queue.  You have no files pending upload.');
        $.cookie('size', 0);
        jQuery('#attachment').uploadify('settings', 'uploadLimit', 5);
    formData: {
        'filetypes': '*.jpg; *.gif; *.png; *.jpeg; *.doc; *.docx; *.zip; *.pdf; *.xls; *.xlsx; *.JPG',
            'folder': 'temp',
            'time': UPLOAD_TIME,
            'token': UPLOAD_TOKEN
È stato utile?


I failed to find out-of-the-box solution too.The cancel method affects only not yet uploaded files.

I suggest you can have a custom handler for deleting an uploaded file (or all files). Somewhere near unlink call. And you can - not reset uploadLimit to 5 but increase uploadLimit by removed files count.

But the uploadify object still have information about uploaded files - that means if the user would try to load the same files he will get the warning message about duplicate files. You can clear this collection:

var files = $('#attachment').data('uploadify').queueData.files = [];
for (var member in files) delete files[member];

It is may be not correct to use it from your code but you can extend the plugin.

Altri suggerimenti

As Grin said, The cancel method affects only not yet uploaded files.

I found a way to edit the value that the plugin uses to check if the queue has reached the upload limit.


You can edit that field when removing an uploaded image

//on method that removes an image

From here on, the plugin will do the rest of work to check the size of the queue of files. Besides, we are avoiding to edit plugin options.

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