
Having trouble loading an external json file and having it's contents display on my view. I've included my view, controller and services code. What do I need to change?


<div ng-controller='BaseCtrl'>
    <table class="table table-hover">
           <tr class="tr-sep" ng-repeat="example in examples" ng-click="showUser(example)">


'use strict';

  .controller('BaseCtrl', function ($scope, data) {
    $scope.examples = data.getAllExamples();

    $scope.showUser = function(example) {
        window.location = '#/user/' +example.size;



'use strict';

  .service('data', function data() {
        var examples;

        var getAllExamples = function () {

            $http.get("../../TestData/Examples.json").success($scope.examples = data.examples);

È stato utile?


Your service code isn't correct. I see the following problems:

  • You're creating a local variable getAllExamples that's not accessible from outside the service;
  • You're using the $http service, but that dependency isn't expressed in the service constructor;
  • You're trying to update the scope from the service, but it's inaccessible from there. Plus, the $scope variable is not even defined inside the service code.

Here's how your service could look like:

.service('data', function($http) {
    this.getAllExamples = function(callback) {
            .success(function(data) {
                if (callback) callback(data.examples);

And your controller code would be like this:

.controller('BaseCtrl', function ($scope, data) {
    data.getAllExamples(function(examples) {
        $scope.examples = examples;

    $scope.showUser = function(example) {
        window.location = '#/user/' +example.size;

You could ditch the callback in the getAllExamples function and work directly with the $http.getreturned promise, but that's a bit more complicated.

Update Added a Plunker script to illustrate the code above.

Altri suggerimenti

Main module definition should look like:

angular.module("projyApp",[/*dependencies go here*/]);

Service should look like

//this use of module function retrieves the module
//Note from comments in angular doc: This documentation should warn that "angular.module('myModule', [])" always creates a new module, but "angular.module('myModule')" always retrieves an existing reference.)
  .service('dataService', [/*dependencies,*/function() {
        var service = {
            getAllExamples = function () {

                $http.get("../../TestData/Examples.json").success(function(returnedData){examples = returnedData});
       return service;

Controller should look like:

  .controller('BaseCtrl', function ($scope, dataService) {
    $scope.examples = [];

    $scope.showUser = function(example) {
        window.location = '#/user/' +example.size;
    $scope.$watch(function(){return dataService.examples}, function(newVal,oldVal) {$scope.examples = newVal});


Also you can add


on an line to trigger Chrome to break (like a breakpoint but without having to dig through the scripts at run-time) so long as the Debugging Panel is open (F12)

You should use a callback instead of assigning in to a scope in you data service. By doing that, you can use this function in multiple controllers an assign values to appropriate scopes.

Data Service

  var getAllExamples = function (callback) {

            $http.get("../../TestData/Examples.json").success(function(data) {
                if (typeof callback === "function") callback(data);


data.getAllExemples(function(data) {
    $scope.examples = data;


Another what is to create a promise object.

Data Service

  var getAllExamples = function () {

            return $http.get("../../TestData/Examples.json");


var promise = data.getAllExemples();

promise.then(function(data) {
   $scope.examples = data;


In your service, you need to return your functions

  .service('data', function data() {
        var examples;

     return {
            getAllExamples: function () {



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