
I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out the best way to implement this.

I want a module that has a constructor that takes in an argument that stores it for later use within the module.

var ModuleB = function(moduleA) {
    this.moduleA = moduleA;

ModuleB.prototype = function() {
    //private stuff/functions
    function someMethod() {

    //public api
    return {
        someMethod : someMethod

In some other file

//ModuleA defined elsewhere
var moduleA = new ModuleA();


var module = new ModuleB(moduleA);

Now above in someMethod, moduleA is undefined, and this, is the global window object. Can someone explain how I would get access to moduleA? I don't understand what happens to this.moduleA = moduleA; after the constructor. I'm not really a javascript developer so if I'm using the wrong pattern here or something, feel free to chime in.

È stato utile?


You are very close, but you're missing something important in your definition of someMethod.

EDIT: is is easier to tell what works and what doesn't if you change the name of the module property in ModuleB:

var ModuleA = function() {}

ModuleA.prototype = (function () {
    return {
        someMethod: function () {
            return 'foo';

var ModuleB = function(moduleA) {
    this.innerModule = moduleA;

ModuleB.prototype = (function () {
    return {
        doStuff: function () {
            return this.innerModule.someMethod();

var moduleA = new ModuleA();

var moduleB = new ModuleB(moduleA);
console.log(moduleB.doStuff()); // prints "foo"

Altri suggerimenti

Try this:

var ModuleB = function(moduleA) {
    this.moduleA = moduleA;

// Simplifying your code, what was missin is the "this" keyword accessing the moduleA
ModuleB.prototype.someMethod = function() {       

var module1 = new ModuleB({ 
    doSomething: function(){ 
         alert('i do something'); 


You would need to use call/apply to execute the method for given context.

try this code (I have modified your code)

var ModuleB = function(moduleA) {
     this.moduleA = moduleA;

 ModuleB.prototype = function() {
     //private stuff/functions
     function someMethod() {


     //public api
     return {
         someMethod : someMethod
     }; }();

 var ModuleA=function(){
      alert('moduleA Method');   
     }; };

 var modA=new ModuleA(); var modB=new ModuleB(modA);;


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