
I currently use re.findall to find and isolate words after the '#' character for hash tags in a string:

hashtags = re.findall(r'#([A-Za-z0-9_]+)', str1)

It searches str1 and finds all the hashtags. This works however it doesn't account for accented characters like these for example: áéíóúñü¿.

If one of these letters are in str1, it will save the hashtag up until the letter before it. So for example, #yogenfrüz would be #yogenfr.

I need to be able to account for all accented letters that range from German, Dutch, French and Spanish so that I can save hashtags like #yogenfrüz

How can I go about doing this

È stato utile?


Try the following:

hashtags = re.findall(r'#(\w+)', str1, re.UNICODE)

Regex101 Demo

EDIT Check the useful comment below from Martijn Pieters.

Altri suggerimenti

I know this question is a little outdated but you may also consider adding the range of accented characters À (index 192) and ÿ (index 255) to your original regex.

hashtags = re.findall(r'#([A-Za-z0-9_À-ÿ]+)', str1)

which will return ['yogenfrüz']

Hope this'll help anyone else.

You may also want to use

import unicodedata
output = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', my_unicode).encode('ascii', 'ignore')

how do i convert all those escape characters into their respective characters like if there is an unicode à, how do i convert that into a standard a? Assume you have loaded your unicode into a variable called my_unicode... normalizing à into a is this simple...

import unicodedata output = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', my_unicode).encode('ascii', 'ignore') Explicit example...

myfoo = u'àà'
unicodedata.normalize('NFD', myfoo).encode('ascii', 'ignore')

check this answer it helped me a lot: How to convert unicode accented characters to pure ascii without accents?

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