
I am desperately trying to set up the PSGML/XML Mode for Emacs 24. I did everything according this explanation: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~lenst/about_psgml/psgml.html

I did ./configure ./make ./make install after unpacking the latest package of the major mode and moved the entire directory into a subdirectory of my .emacs.d directory which is found by emacs.

I added the following to my .emacs file:

    (autoload 'sgml-mode "psgml" "Major mode to edit SGML files." t)
    (autoload 'xml-mode "psgml" "Major mode to edit XML files." t)

However when run M-x xml-mode nothing changes, when I run M-x sgml-mode I get a SGML menu entry but all syntax highlighting/indenting/... is gone. When I run either command from the SGML menu I get an error like:

Eager macro-expansion failure: (invalid-function (\` (null (sgml-state-reqs ((\, s))))))
Eager macro-expansion failure: (invalid-function (\` (defmacro ((\, (intern (format     "sgml-eltype-%s" n)))) (et) (list (quote get) et (quote (quote ((\, n))))))))
Loading `psgml-parse': old-style backquotes detected!
cons: Invalid function: (\` (defmacro ((\, (intern (format "sgml-eltype-%s" n)))) (et)   (list (quote get) et (quote (quote ((\, n)))))))

I am using all this on a GML-file, that is well formed.

Could anybody help me or recommend another major mode for XML that supports autoindenting/hiding of elements/etc? Thanks a lot in advance, any help is appreciated!



As wvxvw commented, fixing the old-style macros will make it work - still my preferred Emacs ml-library BTW. Try this


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