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In my app, I have a Home page that has the following menu buttons:

1. Button1
2. Button2
3. Button3
4. Button4

Now When I tap Button1, the app navigates to Page1. (Page1 is a navigation view).

Problem here is, by default Page1 does not have a Back button to move back to Home page. So i have to manually add a Back button.

Question 1: Is there another way to push the Page1 view into the Home View so that the Back button is auto generated?

Ok, So now I manually added the Back button on Page1. This Page1 is a navigation view having a list. On clicking the list item, it moves to SubPage1 .

Now the problem here is, there is a default back button that will be generated + the manual back button that I added. So 2 back buttons !!

To solve this, I hide the manually added back button on push. And then show the button on pop. Again the issue with this is, there is a slight delay in hide/show and this is visible in the app. Another problem with this is, in older models of Blackberry, the manually added Back button does not get hidden sometimes !!!

Question 2: Any better way to handle this !?

Finally, What If i want nested navigation view?

Say, I have a store with 10 records. In Page 1, i display 3 records as a list -

record1 - on tap of this, show its detailed view
record2 - on tap of this, show its detailed view
record3 - on tap of this, show another sub list with records 4 to 10.

Question 3: How do i achieve this ?



Question 1: Yes, you can use a NavigationView as main page. Then push it your home. On button tap event, push it your Page1 view (which is a list, and not a navigation view anymore). If needed, hide the navigationBar on your home page by listening to push and pop events of your navigation view.

Question 2: My first answer solves your problem

Question 3: You can use the listpaging plugin for your list. Check it to see if it meets your needs : http://docs.sencha.com/touch/2.3.0/#!/api/Ext.plugin.ListPaging

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