
In my backbone+marionette application I have used morris.js Line Chart. This chart takes an array of data from the model. And must be created after DOM creating (DOM dependent).

Сode to create the chart:

_createChartData: function () {
    var trends = this.model.get("trends"),
        chartData = [];

    $.each(trends, function (x, y) {
        // some actions with data

    return chartData;
_createChart: function () {      
        element: 'promo-chart',
        data: this._createChartData(),
        xkey: 'date',
        ykeys: ['y', 'g'],

View and Controller:

define(['utils/hbs', 'modules/model/promo-mdl'], function( Hbs, Promo){
    var PromoView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
        initialize: function () {

        template: Hbs.tf('modules/promo'),

        templateHelpers: {
            // handlebars helpers

        events: {
            'click #submitBtn'          : '_savePromo',

        _events: function () {
            this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render);

        _savePromo: function () {
            // save data

    return Marionette.Controller.extend({
        initialize: function (config) {
            this.region = config.region;
            this.model = new Promo({});

        _events: function () {
            App.vent.on('show:promo', this._show, this);

        _show: function () {
            this.view = new PromoView({ model: this.model });

I tried to create this chart in View, but got an errors - empty data or no chart element in DOM. Where to create this chart, in View or Controller? And which event to use? initialize, onShow or onRender?



It seems like you're creating the chart when the element it uses isn't in the DOM yet. Try creating the chart in the view's onShow function:

var PromoView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({

    // code...

    onShow: function(){
      // create chart here


onDomRefresh function in the view could be what you are looking for.

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