
I am interested in images but the question is quite general. I am doing it thusly :

private static final SecureRandom RANDOM = new SecureRandom();
private static final int FILENAMElENGTH = 73; // a guess
private static String nextId() { // synchronized ?
    return new BigInteger(FILENAMElENGTH, RANDOM).toString(32);
} // https://stackoverflow.com/a/41156/281545

Questions :

  • Are there pros and cons in storing the files with the session id + a timestamp ? Pros as in use this info later and cons as in security
  • Are there any standard (see servlet API or Java) way of generating a name ? Any standard practices ? Any container specific tips (glassfish and tomcat)

I understand that keeping the original filename, the username etc can lead to security holes

Related :



static File getImageFile() throws IOException {
    return File.createTempFile("upload_", ".jpg", new File(upload_path));

// String filename = getImageFile().getName(); 

This is guaranteed to be unique (docs) - and it is not a tmp file at all (provided you have control to the upload_path, which must be a path to an existing directory (although the docs are not explicit about this)).

Obviously you should have a better way to specify the extension but this is another question.

No session ids, user input etc.

Got the idea from a BalusC blog post :

It is necessary to know the file upload location in the MultipartMap as well, because we can then make use of File#createTempFile() to create files with an unique filename to avoid them being overwritten by another file with a (by coincidence) same name. Once you have the uploaded file at hands in the servlet or bean, you can always make use of File#renameTo() to do a fast rename/move.

Notice that createTempFile used to be rather insecure before Java 6.11 (see here for an exposition and here for a general exposition of tmp files security). Also see this SO question - there is a window of vulnerability between file creation and opening. These issues however have nothing to do with filenames - still createTempFile is the only way to guarantee uniqueness (I hope you are using latest JDK, to avoid the predictable filenames createTempFile suffered from).


You may want to use a Universally Unique Identifier. They are nicely supported in Java 7. If you use the static method UUID.randomUUID(), you should have a reasonably unique identifier. Note that in theory you could run across a duplicate, but the chances of that are extremely small, so much so that it is considered a very strong solution for what you are trying to do (see the discussion on the Wikipedia link).

Mind you, the generated sequence of characters is not user-friendly at all, but from what I understand of your requirements, that is all right.

Good luck!

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