
I'm trying to build bat file for my uncle who needs once click solution to change ip as I advised him not to fidget with fragile modem power button. How can I achieve also some option will be attractive.

I tried this but didn't work.

[some 1 min interval]

For a wifi modem we were not able to achieve such thing, we had to switch it off and on manually


解決 2

Update 11/11/13: the question is still open. ipconfig was not strong enough to fix it... still you can make use of choice options incase you are building a tool for anyother purpose. Choice command won't work in Win XP and Win 2000 replace them by set command and accordingly goto statements too

xsl help is appreciated but after much googling I found ping is not cool instead we have to use ping, here is what I have done. And here is where I found the choice commands details http://www.torgersens.net/wordpress/?p=273 long before Rock cud answer just that I was fine tuning my answer.

@echo off
echo C for Change IP  or Q to Quit
choice /C CQ /M "Enter Choice"
goto ERR%errorlevel%
ipconfig /release 
ping localhost -n 10 -w 1000 > nul
ipconfig /renew
echo Done
goto END
echo Bye
goto END


On Windows 7 and later it's pretty simple:

ipconfig /release 
timeout 60 
ipconfig /renew

Earlier systems:

ipconfig /release
ping -n 60 localhost > nul
ipconfig /renew

I got the ping/sleep hack from this answer.

Adding to what xsl has answered.

@echo off
choice /C YN /M "Are you sure you want to change your ip?" 
ipconfig /release 
timeout 60 
ipconfig /renew

You can add timeout to the choice.

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