
Now, i wrote some program source.but i want to store them into my computer. How to download my program into my computer from the nitrous.io's server?Who can help me, i need your help. Thank you very much.


解決 2

Open up the IDE. Go to the file you want in the file system view on the left and right click and select "download file".


You can upload projects by any of the following options:

  1. Upload a zip file, and extract it using 'unzip' command in the console.

  2. Utilize the Mac App to Sync your files ( http://www.nitrous.io/mac , an update for Mavericks and also a Windows app is coming soon!)

  3. Upload your project to Github, and pull the project from there. ( http://help.nitrous.io/github-add-key/ )

  4. Upload the content via SCP. To do this, you will need to add an SSH Key to your account ( http://help.nitrous.io/ssh-add/ ).

Next, run this command on your local machine, replacing {PORT} with the port # assigned to your Nitrous.IO box, and also changing usw1 with the proper region found in the SSH URI of your boxes page ( https://www.nitrous.io/app#/boxes ).

To Upload:

scp -P{PORT} -r path/to/yourFolder action@usw1.actionbox.io:~/workspace

To Download:

scp -P{PORT} -r action@usw1.actionbox.io:~/workspace path/to/yourLocalFolder

You can also compress entire project to one zip file

zip -9 -r all.zip workspace

and then download the zip file

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