
In the post-build event of my unit test project I run OpenCover and ReportGenerator to get a code coverage report:

del "$(SolutionDir)TestResults\Coverage\*.*"

-target:"$(MSBuildProgramFiles32)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\
-filter:"+[MyProject]* "


call "$(SolutionDir)TestResults\Coverage\index.htm"

The final step is to open the generated HTML report. With the current call command it opens the HTML report in my default web browser. But I would like it if the report could get opened within Visual Studio itself.

If and how would I achieve this?



I have actually got it to work using PowerShell and the Navigate method in the VS core automation wrapper, EnvDTE. I replaced the last call command with the following:

-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted 
-Command "& { $dte = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::
                     \"$(SolutionDir)TestResults\Coverage\index.htm\"); }"

And that opens the report in a new browser tab inside the VS project.


Very simple thing worked for me in post build event-

start http://localhost/MYWeb/Home.aspx

You might be able to use devenv to open the file using the command line switches.

devenv /edit $(SolutionDir)TestResults\Coverage\index.htm

but it may open it up as a file to edit rather than to view.

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