
I've got a mailer function I've built and trying to shore up the coverage. Trying to test parts of it have proven tricky, specifically this mailer.smtpTransport.sendMail

var nodemailer = require('nodemailer')

var mailer = {}

mailer.smtpTransport = nodemailer.createTransport('SMTP', {
    'service': 'Gmail',
    'auth': {
        'XOAuth2': {
            'user': 'test@test.com',
            'clientId': 'googleClientID',
            'clientSecret': 'superSekrit',
            'refreshToken': '1/refreshYoSelf'
var mailOptions = {
    from: 'Some Admin <test@tester.com>',

mailer.verify = function(email, hash) {
    var emailhtml = 'Welcome to TestCo. <a href="'+hash+'">Click this '+hash+'</a>'
    var emailtxt = 'Welcome to TestCo. This  is your hash: '+hash
    mailOptions.to = email
    mailOptions.subject = 'Welcome to TestCo!'
    mailOptions.html = emailhtml
    mailOptions.text = emailtxt
    mailer.smtpTransport.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error, response){
        if(error) {

        } else {
            console.log('Message sent: '+response.message)

I'm unsure of how to go about testing, specifically ensuring that my mailer.smtpTransport.sendMail function is passing the correct parameters without actually sending the email. I'm trying to use https://github.com/whatser/mock-nodemailer/tree/master, but I'm probably doing it wrong. Should I be mocking out the method?

var _ = require('lodash')
var should = require('should')
var nodemailer = require('nodemailer')
var mockMailer = require('./helpers/mock-nodemailer')
var transport = nodemailer.createTransport('SMTP', '')

var mailer = require('../../../server/lib/account/mailer')

describe('Mailer', function() {
    describe('.verify()', function() {
        it('sends a verify email with a hashto an address when invoked', function(done) {
            var email ={
                'to': 'dave@testco.com',
                'html': 'Welcome to Testco. <a href="bleh">Click this bleh</a>',
                'text': 'Welcome to Testco. This  is your hash: bleh',
                'subject': 'Welcome to Testco!'

            mockMailer.expectEmail(function(sentEmail) {
            return _.isEqual(email, sentEmail)
            }, done)
            transport.sendMail(email, function() {})


You can use a 'Stub' transport layer on your test instead of SMTP.

var stubMailer = require("nodemailer").createTransport("Stub"),
    options = {
        from: "from@email.com",
        to: "to@email.com",
        text: "My Message!"

   stubMailer.sendMail(options, function(err, response){
     var message = response.message;

So, in that case, 'message' will be the email in text format. Something like this:

MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Nodemailer (0.3.43; +http://www.nodemailer.com/)
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2014 11:11:48 GMT
Message-Id: <123412341234.e23232@Nodemailer>
From: from@email.com
To: to@email.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

My Message!

For more examples, take a look at nodemailer test suite: https://github.com/andris9/Nodemailer/blob/master/test/nodemailer-test.js


You can directly mock the sendMail function but it's not obvious how to access it from the tests. A Mailer instance is returned when you create a transport so you need to directly import that class in to your test.

const Mailer = require('nodemailer/lib/mailer')

Then you can mock or stub the sendMail method on the prototype in the usual way. Using Jasmine, you can do it like this:

beforeEach(function () {
  spyOn(Mailer.prototype, 'sendMail').and.callFake(function (mailOptions, cb) {
    cb(null, true)

The callFake ensures that the sendMail's callback is still executed encase you need to test what happens next. You can easily simulate an error by passing a first argument to cb: cb(new Error('Email failed'))

Now that the mock is set up, you can check everything is working as intended:


expectEmail simply hooks into the transport layer, and expects you to identify the email ( return true if this is the email you are expecting ) by looking at the sentEmail contents.

In this case, return sentEmail.to === 'dave@testco.com' should suffice.

Keep in mind however, this module was designed in an environment where tests are ran in a random order and concurrently. You should propably randomize your data heavily to prevent collisions and false positives. BTW we use something like: var to = Date.now().toString(36) + Faker.Internet.email();

This example works fine for me

======== myfile.js ========


transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, (err, info) => {

======== myfile.spec.js (unit test file) ========

const sinon = require('sinon');
const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
const sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();

describe('XXX', () => {
  afterEach(function() {

  it('XXX', done => {
    const transport = {
      sendMail: (data, callback) => {
        const err = new Error('some error');
        callback(err, null);
    sandbox.stub(nodemailer, 'createTransport').returns(transport);


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