
It would be great, if it is possible to extend the Scala enumeration value type in a way, that a kind of tree structure accrues. I mean something like that:

[Examples are just pseudo code!]

object SomeSubEnum extends Enumeration {
  type SomeSubEnum = Value

  val SubA, SubB, SubC = Value

object SomeTopEnum extends Enumeration {
  type SomeTopEnum = Value

  val TopA = Value("TopA", Subs = List(SomeSubEnum.SubA, SomeSubEnum.SubB))
  val TopB = Value("TopB", Subs = List(SomeSubEnum.SubC))
  val TopC = Value("TopC", Subs = List(SomeSubEnum.SubA, SomeSubEnum.SubB, SomeSubEnum.SubC))


def doSomething(param: SomeTopEnum) = {
  someTopEnum.Subs.forAll(sub => doMore(sub))

doSomethingElse(SomeTopEnum.TopA.Subs.SubB) // Subs could be a map

I am new at Scala, in other languages I would create a kind of static class tree structure to do that, but maybe there is a better solution in Scala.

[sorry for my poor English]



Could you use case classes for this instead? The enumeration type in Scala isn't generally that useful IMO. Something along the lines of (off the top of my head):

sealed abstract class MyEnum[A]
case class SubEnum[A](value : A) extends MyEnum[A]
case class TopEnum[A](value : A, subs : List[SubEnum[A]]) extends MyEnum[A]

This would allow you to do things like:

val top = TopEnum("top value", List(SubEnum("sub value 1"), SubEnum("sub value 2")))

and then:

top.subs map (println(_))


for(s <- top.subs) println(s.value)

Or any pattern matching you might want to do as well. If you wanted to restrict the types of the type parameter (A) then you could define a top level case class which all sub classes must be a subtype of:

sealed abstract class EnumValue(a : String)
case class EnumValue1 extends EnumValue("value 1")
case class EnumValue2 extends EnumValue("value 2")


sealed abstract class MyEnum[A <: EnumValue]
case class SubEnum[A <: EnumValue](value : A) extends MyEnum[A]
case class TopEnum[A <: EnumValue](value : A, List[SubEnum[A]]) extends MyEnum[A]

Bit verbose, but will probably do what you want...

Hope this helps

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