
I'm estimating a probability density function (pdf) using matlab.

The code is like this

xi = -2:0.1:2;
a1 = normpdf(xi, 1, 0.3);
a2 = normpdf(xi, -1, 0.3);
plot(xi, a1+a2);
[f, xs] = ksdensity(a1+a2);
plot(xs, f);

and pics like this

Plot result

You see the estimation is not working at all.

So what's wrong here? BTW is there other pdf estimation methods in matlab?



Is this closer to what you expect?

The ksdensity function expects a vector of samples from the distribution, whereas you were feeding it the values of the probability density function.

>> xi = -3:0.1:3;
>> p1 = normpdf(xi, 1, 0.3);
>> p2 = normpdf(xi,-1, 0.3);
>> subplot(211)
>> plot(xi, 0.5*p1+0.5*p2)
>> a1 = 1 + 0.3 * randn(10000,1);  % construct the same distribution
>> a2 = -1 + 0.3 * randn(10000,1); % construct the same distribution
>> [f, xs] = ksdensity([a1;a2]);
>> subplot(212)
>> plot(xs, f)

enter image description here


ksdensity gives you the probability distribution (100 points by default) of the input values. Your input value a1+a2 has values that range between 0 and 1.5, with a large potion of those close to 0 and a smaller portion near 1.5. The second plot you see reflects this distribution.

If you want to see two similar plots, put as an input to ksdensity a vector with elements concentrated near -1 and 1.

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