
I am working on more of a security dashboard, it watches for changes in files in the entire home directory with hundreds of sites (all Joomla, so a lot of files).

In order to keep on top of potential security issues we want to watch for file changes in an efficient way without creating unnecessary CPU/Memory overhead. We want to watch it at a faster interval but I know its more of a balancing act when you do want to keep it from using more cpu then a side process should.

I have tried to use "watch" with the following code, running in the home directory:

var watch, fs;
watch = require('watch');
fs = require('fs');

        return true;
        return false;
        console.log(file + ' new');
        console.log(file + ' changed');
        console.log(file + ' deleted');

However this spikes the CPU to over 100% of a single core (sometimes 2) out of 8. Memory also takes up about 20% of 8gb pretty quickly as well. This is all just to create the watch event on all the files, so its before it can actually detect any file changes.

I know the issue with this is it goes through each file individually, and only does not track it if you filter that sort of file. Typically all I need to watch is the index.php in every directory, down to a point that it could be consistent (with some exceptions).

Is there a module already built to do this? Or is this something new? All modules I find assume its a smaller directory (like watching LESS or something) So not built for this sort of application at all.

Any ideas? I know this code will need to be scrapped as there is no way I can see to stop the CPU overhead.



Do not use package 'watch', just use fs.watch(...)

package 'watch':


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