
What is the generic code to perform a repeated measures ANOVA?

I am currently using the code:


There are three different sites (Site) and four expirmental variables that I am testing individually (Chlo, SST, DAC and PAR). I am also assessing any differences in these variables and year (between 2003 and 2012):


Any help would be appreciated!



In general you should avoid performing multiple calls with aov and rather use a mixed effects linear model.

You can find several examples in this post by Paul Gribble

I often use the nlme package, such as:

model <- lme(dv ~ myfactor, random = ~1|subject/myfactor, data=mydata)

Depending on the situation you may run in more complex situations, I would suggest to have a look at the very clear book by Julian Faraway "Extending the Linear Model with R: Generalized Linear, Mixed Effects and Nonparametric Regression Models".

Also, you may want to ask on CrossValidated if you have more specific statistical questions.


The trick using aov function is that you just need to add Error term. As one of the guides says: The Error term must reflect that we have "treatments nested within subjects".

So, in your case, if Site is a repeated measure you should use:

summary(aov(Chlo ~ Site + Error(subject/Site), data=alldata))
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