I'm looking for a batch script that appends the names of multiple text files to the first line of each file

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21210066


I have a folder that contains more than 200 text file (.txt)

I want an easy way to add each file name to the first line of each file.

example I have a file called "I am a file.txt" with the following content:

I am line one
I am line two

this should become something like this:

I am a file
I am line one
I am line two

I'm wondering if someone could help me build a batch script that does that.

the reason for that is I want to upload all my text files to Evernote. But Evernote doesn't read the file name, instead it name the note as the first line in the text.



That worked for me:

(just past this in a file called whatever.bat and run it)

@echo off
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%F IN ('dir /b /s "C:\Users\MyPC\Desktop\myDir\*.txt"') do (
    echo %%~nF
    echo ___________________________
    type "%%F"
  move /y "%%F.new" "%%F"



@echo off
pushd "pathToYourFolder"
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /a-d *.txt') do (
    echo %%F
    echo =====
    type "%%F"
  move /y "%%F.new" "%%F"

Assuming the filenames are passed as arguments to the script, you could use this:


for file in "$@"
   sed -i "1 i ${file%.*}\n=====" "$file"

Assuming of course you have sed available, but since you have tagged the question with bash I imagine you have Cygwin installed.

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