
Can i set an variable in available tag like this?

<available file="${inf.root}/schema_params/@{componame}-schema.sql" 
   variable="schema.file" />

because when i use property instead of variable in available tag, Its value is immutable. But i want to change it at run time.Below is my code.i want to copy 1 file checking through my component list. if the file exists, i have to copy and move it. else i have to skip the logic. But whats happening is, if i dont use this code,

<var name="schema.params.file" unset="true"/>
<property name="schema.params.file" value="false"/>
<var name="scripts.dir" unset="true"/>
<property name="scripts.dir" value="false"/>

in the first iteration if schema.params.file,scripts.dir is set to true if files exist, it is not overided in the next iteration even though if file doenot exist. so i have added above code.but now always the values are set to false again by above code. how can i overcome the issue of overiding these 2 schema.params.file,scripts.dir in every iteration?

<for list="${t1.@{componentname}}" param="installableid" delimiter="${line.separator}">
        <available file="${infinys.root}/schema_params/@{componentname}-schema_params.sql" 
             property="schema.params.file" />
        <available file="${stage.dir}/@{componentname}/@{installableid}/schema/install/scripts" 
             type="dir" property="scripts.dir"/>
                <equals arg1="true" arg2="${schema.params.file}" />
                <equals arg1="true" arg2="${scripts.dir}" />  
                <copy file="${infinys.root}/schema_params/@{componentname}-schema_params.sql"
                   failonerror="false" />
                <move file="${stage.dir}/@{componentname}/@{installableid}/schema/install/scripts/@{componentname}-schema_params.sql" 
                <chmod file="${stage.dir}/@{componentname}/@{installableid}/schema/install/scripts/schema_params.sql" perm="775"/>
                <var name="schema.params.file" unset="true"/>
                <property name="schema.params.file" value="false"/>
                <var name="scripts.dir" unset="true"/>
                <property name="scripts.dir" value="false"/>  


Can i set an variable in available tag like this?

Yes, you can.

Macro names are changed with each iteration. The <var/> task is simply a way to unset and reset a property in Ant. It's part of the Ant-Contrib project. You don't need to unset and reset the property:

<var name="schema.params.file" unset="true"/>
<property name="schema.params.file" value="false"/>

You could do this in a single statement:

<var name="schema.params.file" value="false"/>

Their use is highly discouraged since it breaks Ant's immutable property idea. However, I've find that I too use <var/> a lot when going through <for/> loops and sometimes <macrodef>. Newer versions of Ant allow you to localize properties, so I suspect the <var/> task will soon no longer be needed.

Another thing which may make things a bit easier is that you can use <if/> tests with <available/>

            <available file="${infinys.root}/schema_params/@{componentname}-schema_params.sql" 
            <available file="${stage.dir}/@{componentname}/@{installableid}/schema/install/scripts" 

Doing this may make your code a bit cleaner and easier to understand. It will also eliminate the need to unset properties in the first place.


Ant doesn't allow overwriting properties. You still can use macrodef but that's another story (see How to over-write the property in Ant?).
What you can do is move the internals of your cycle to the separate target like (can't see why you copy a file to another location and immediately move it to another another location, so I just replaced this copy-move with one copy)

<target name="cycle-body">
    <available file="${schema.params.file.name}" type="file" property="schema.params.file" />
    <available file="${scripts.dir.name}" type="dir" property="scripts.dir"/>

            <equals arg1="true" arg2="${schema.params.file}" />
            <equals arg1="true" arg2="${scripts.dir}" />  
            <copy file="${schema.params.file.name}" 
                tofile="${scripts.dir.name}/schema_params.sql" failonerror="false"/>

            <chmod file="${scripts.dir.name}/schema_params.sql" perm="775"/>

and call it like

<for list="${t1.@{componentname}}" param="installableid" delimiter="${line.separator}">
    <antcall target="cycle-body">
        <param name="schema.params.file.name" value="${infinys.root}/schema_params/@{componentname}-schema_params.sql" />
        <param name="scripts.dir.name" value="${stage.dir}/@{componentname}/@{installableid}/schema/install/scripts" />
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