
I want to find the Parent Repeater, which contains Child Repeater and Child Repeater contains dropdownlist. On SelectedIndexChange of the Drowndownlist I want to find out the Parent Repeater. After finding the parent repeater, I want to find the hiddenfield value inside Parent Repeater. i.e.

Parent Repeater Contains HiddenField and Child Repeater Child Repeater contains Dropdownlist on this dropdown selected index change event I want to find HiddenField value which is in Parent Repeater.

My Code:

        DropDownList myGeneralButton = (DropDownList)sender;
        Repeater item = (Repeater)myGeneralButton.Parent.Parent;

        for (int i = 0; i < item.Items.Count; ++i) 
            HiddenField hdn=  item.Items[i].FindControl("Hdhotelname") as HiddenField;
            string h = hdn.Value;

In this hidden field I am getting all the values, but I want a value of that particular index where I am selecting selecting the dropdown.




You have to search through the DropDownList's NamingContainer. The flow should be like this:

--> NamingContainer(Child RepeaterItem)
--> NamingContainer(Child Repeater)
--> NamingContainer(Parent RepeaterItem)
--> FindControl"Hdhotelname" (Hdhotelname)

and your code should be like this:

protected void ddl_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var ddl = (DropDownList)sender;
    var rptChild = ddl.NamingContainer.NamingContainer;//Child Repeater
    if (rptChild != null)
        var rptParentItem = rptChild.NamingContainer;//Parent RepeaterItem
        var hdnfld = rptParentItem.FindControl("Hdhotelname") as HiddenField;
        if (hdnfld != null)
            //Do your tasks

Hope it helps!


<%= (Repeater)ChildRepeater.NamingContainer =>

or use it directly in your code-behind without the <%= and =>

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