Akka Eventhandlerは永遠に回転します。どうすれば止めるべきですか?

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8304583

  •  25-10-2019
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私はで問題を見つけたと思います EventHandler. 。以下の仕様は永遠に実行されます。基本的に EventHandler.info() これを引き起こします。電話してみました EventHandler.shutdown() After Specを使用します。しかし、運がない。私は何かが足りないと思いますか?


class EventHandlerProblem extends Specification {

  def is =
    "This describes a possible problem with the EventHandler" ^
      p ^
      "The EventHandler should" ^
      "not keep spinning forever...." ! e1


  def e1 = {
    // no need to start the actor
    val ac = TestActorRef[PrintMessageActor]

    true must beTrue

class PrintMessageActor extends Actor {
  EventHandler.info(this, "Printer actor is starting up...")

  def receive = {
    case msg => {
      println("Recieved: " + msg)


Akkaの俳優テストでは、 registry.shutdownAll すべてのフラグメントを実行した後。このようにして、テストがお互いに足を踏み入れることなく並行して実行できるように注意する必要がありますが、すべてのテストが実行された後、事態は清掃されます。これが特性です:

import org.specs2.Specification
import org.specs2.specification.{Step,Fragments}
import akka.actor.Actor.registry
trait AkkaSpec extends Specification {
  override def map(fs: => Fragments) = fs ^ Step(registry.shutdownAll)

class EventHandlerProblem extends AkkaSpec {

  def is =
    "This describes a possible problem with the EventHandler" ^
      p ^
      "The EventHandler should" ^
      "not keep spinning forever...." ! e1


  def e1 = {
    // no need to start the actor
    val ac = TestActorRef[PrintMessageActor]

    true must beTrue

class PrintMessageActor extends Actor {
  EventHandler.info(this, "Printer actor is starting up...")

  def receive = {
    case msg => {
      println("Recieved: " + msg)


一緒に試しました EventHandler.shutdown() そして、それは(ハングアップせずに)適切に機能しました。これが出力です:

Testing started at 11:03 ...
[INFO]    [29/11/11 11:03] [specs2.DefaultExecutionStrategy1] [PrintMessageActor] Printer actor is starting up...
[INFO]    [29/11/11 11:03] [specs2.DefaultExecutionStrategy2] [PrintMessageActor] Printer actor is starting up...
Process finished with exit code 0


import akka.testkit.TestActorRef
import org.specs2.Specification
import akka.event.EventHandler

class EventHandlerProblemSpec extends Specification {

  def is =
    "This describes a possible problem with the EventHandler" ^
      p ^
      "The EventHandler should" ^
      "not keep spinning forever...." ! e1 ^
      "not keep spinning forever 2...." ! e2 ^

  def e1 = {
      val ac = TestActorRef[PrintMessageActor]
      true must beTrue
    } after {

  def e2 = {
    try {
      val ac = TestActorRef[PrintMessageActor]
      true must beTrue
    } finally {
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