
I have large-ish SVC models (~50Mb cPickles) for text classification and I am trying out various ways to use them in a production environment. Classifying batches of documents works very well (about 1k documents per minute using both predict and predict_proba). However, prediction on a single document is another story, as explained in a comment to this question:

Are you doing predictions in batches? The SVC.predict method, unfortunately, incurs a lot of overhead because it has to reconstruct a LibSVM data structure similar to the one that the training algorithm produced, shallow-copy in the support vectors, and convert the test samples to a LibSVM format that may be different from the NumPy/SciPy formats. Therefore, prediction on a single sample is bound to be slow. – larsmans

I am already serving the SVC models as Flask web-applications, so a part of the overhead is gone (unpickling) but the prediction times for single docs are still on the high side (0.25s). I have looked at the code in the predict methods but cannot figure out if there is a way to "pre-warm" them, reconstructing the LibSVM data structure in advance at server startup... any ideas?

def predict(self, X):
    """Perform classification on samples in X.

    For an one-class model, +1 or -1 is returned.

    X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples, n_features]

    y_pred : array, shape = [n_samples]
        Class labels for samples in X.
    y = super(BaseSVC, self).predict(X)
    return self.classes_.take(y.astype(np.int))


I can see three possible solutions.

Custom server

It is not the matter of "warming" anything up. Simply - libSVM is the C library, and you need to pack/unpack data into correct format. This process is more efficient on the whole matrices than on each row separately. The only way to overcome this would be to write more efficient wrapper between your production env and the libSVM (you could write a libsvm based server, which would use some kind of shared memory with your service). Unfortunately, this is to custom problem to be solvable by existing implementations.


Naive approach like buffering the queries is an option (if it is "high performance" system with thousands of queries, you can simply store them in N-element batches, and send them to libSVM in such packs).

Own classification

Lastly - classification using SVM is really simple task. You don't need libSVM to perform classification. Only training is a complex problem. Once you get all the support vectors (SV_i), kernel (K), lagragian multipliers (alpha_i) and intercept term (b), you classify using:

cl(x) = sgn( SUM_i y_i alpha_i K(SV_i, x) + b)

You can code this operation directly in your app, without the need to actualy pack/unpack/send anything to libsvm. This can speed things up by the order of magnitude. Obviously - probability is more complex to retrieve, as it requires the Platt's scaliing, but it is still possible.


You can't construct the LibSVM data structure in advance. When a request to classify a document arrives, you get the text of the document, make a vector out of if and only then convert to LibSVM format so you can get a decision.

LinearSVC should be considerably faster than a SVC with a linear kernel as it uses liblinear. You could try using a different classifier if that does not decrease performance too much.

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