My multithreaded game is at 100% CPU all the time. How can I manage thread activity to reduce the CPU load?



I have a DirectX game which spawns 2 boost threads on a dual-core system: 1 for gameplay/rendering (normally split into their own threads on a quad-core CPU), and 1 other thread which procedurally-generates the gameworld. I believe that my audio middleware also spawns its own threads for playing SFX and music.

The game is always running at 100% on the CPU, which in turn can cause some sputtering from the audio system. I'm hoping that I can reduce the CPU load by better managing the activity of that Generation Thread. While sometimes I need it running full-speed, there are other times (when the player isn't moving much) when it is just updating constantly while not really doing a whole lot.

Is it possible / advisable to manually manage how active a thread is? If so what strategies can I use to do that? I keep seeing people say that sleep() functions aren't really recommended, but I don't really know what else to do yet.

Alternatively, am I barking up the wrong tree by trying to squeeze cycles out of thread management, and would I be better served by traditional profiling/optimization?



Getting to 100% processor utilization means that you don't have a game clock. You are probably rendering frames as fast as the machine allows. Still pretty hard to get 100% exactly if you use multiple threads, that indicates that you don't synchronize threads either.

This is likely to require a pretty drastic rewrite. The pace ought to be set by the main render loop, the one that copies the back-buffer to the video adapter. It sets your target FPS, frames-per-second. Not infrequently, you use the vertical blanking interval of the monitor for that, it solves tearing problems by ensuring that the monitor gets updated at the exact right time. Which automatically gets the render loop paced to the monitor refresh rate. Typically 60 times per second on LCD monitors. A timer is an alternative. This prevents the main thread from burning 100% core, assuming it can keep up with the FPS.

You now have a steady game clock tick, discrete moments in time at which things need to happen and jobs need to be completed in order to update the game state. Like checking for player input. Inside the render loop, check for mouse/keyboard/controller input and use anything you get to update the game world objects.

And in turn determines what worker threads need to do. They'll have the duration of one pass through the render loop to get the job done they need to do. You use a synchronization object to wake them up. And another one, each, to let them signal that they are done with the current game loop tick. Which stops them from burning core, they should constantly be waiting on the signal to start working on the next frame. Note that there is a balancing requirement. If a worker thread needs more than one game tick to get the job done then the render loop will fall behind and miss a video adapter frame update. Your video starts to stutter. This is in general impossible to eliminate completely, do make sure that it doesn't affect the absolute game clock.

Audio should be the easier problem to solve, you just need to keep the sound card buffers filled with sufficient data to survive a couple of frames worth of sound.

Falling behind on the target FPS is very easy to determine. You automatically compensate for that by lowering the target FPS. So the program still runs acceptably on a slow machine, just not as smoothly. Net effect is that you'll stop burning 100% core on all threads.


I don't know anything about your system so this answer may be way off. I assume that there is such a thing as audio output buffer of some sort that you can track the size of. When the size of the buffer is so small that there is a danger that audio may stop you should do something to refill the buffer.

That "something" may be as easy as temporarily setting the priority of audio thread to higher value. Come to think of why not set it higher from the start? That would solve all the problems, right? Even better, just lower the priority of world generator thread.

When I worked on a voice-comm app for gamers many years ago, we hit this problem a lot. Many games are written to use every ounce of CPU. As such, some gamest would starve our app (that ran in the background) from functioning - causing audio drops and lost network connections. Many of those games would also call SetThreadPriority and SetPriorityClass with the REALTIME flags to basically consume all the CPU quantums with disregard of anything else running on the system.

The typical fix we asked of game developers we partnered with was to simply insert a "Sleep(0)" call between each frame of their main game loop so that our threads wouldn't get stalled. I think we later added a switch in a software update to make our process run at a higher priority mode. Since then, Windows has gotten better about multitasking and thread priority with respect to these issues.

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