
I am using paramiko to login to a list of devices and then run a list of commands on each device and then capture the output. The python script is as follows:

import paramiko

f1 = open('hostfile','r')
f2 = open('commandfile','r')

devices = f1.readlines()
commands = f2.readlines()

for device in devices:
    for command in commands:
        ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
        ssh.connect(device, username="admin", password="test")
        stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command)
        output= stdout.read()


What I want to achieve is to store the entire output in a 2 dimensional array as follows:

data = [
('device1', 'output1 for device1', 'output2 for device1', 'output3 for device1'),
('device2', 'output1 for device2', 'output2 for device2', 'output3 for device2'),
('device3', 'output1 for device3', 'output2 for device3', 'output3 for device3')

I need to pass this output to an excel sheet using xlwt and hence my need to store the output in this format..



Is this what you want?

data = []
for device in devices:
    for command in commands:
        ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
        ssh.connect(device, username="admin", password="test")
        stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command)
        output= stdout.read()
    data[-1] = tuple(data[-1])

Some explanation:

what data[-1] and tuple(data[-1]) actually do

Note that data is supposed to be a list of tuples.

  1. data[-1] refers to the last item of the list data.

  2. data[-1] is built as a list in the inner loop. As your specified output structure of data is a list of tuples, the code uses the function tuple() to get a tuple converted from the list data[-1].

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