
I am new in Spring AOP, and this is my codes for testing:

Target inside com.kk.entitypackage:

public class AopTargetOne {
    private String name;
    private String password;
    private String email;
    private String address;

    //getter and setters omitted

public class AopTargetSecond {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    private String email;
    //getter and setters omitted


public class VariableCheckAspect {

    //intercept all the setter methods
    @Pointcut("execution(* com.kk.entity.*.set*(..))")
    private void aopIsSetMethod() {


    @Before("com.kk.aop.VariableCheckAspect.aopIsSetMethod() && args(val,..)")
    public void checkSetValue(JoinPoint joinpoint, String val) {
        System.err.println("******** Start check set value  with method *********** " + joinpoint.getSignature());
        System.out.println("value is:" + val);
        System.err.println("********  End ****");


    AopTargetOne ah = context.getBean(AopTargetOne.class);
    ah.setAddress("aopholder address");
    ah.setEmail("aopholder email");
    ah.setName("aopholder name");

    AopTargetSecond ak = (AopTargetSecond) context.getBean("aopTargetSecond");
    ak.setName("aopkepper name");
    ak.setEmail("aopkepper email");

And I got the output:

******** Start check set value  with method *********** void com.kk.entity.AopTargetOne.setAddress(String)
********  End ****
value is:aopTargetOne address
******** Start check set value  with method *********** void com.kk.entity.AopTargetOne.setEmail(String)
********  End ****
******** Start check set value  with method *********** void com.kk.entity.AopTargetOne.setName(String)
********  End ****
******** Start check set value  with method *********** void com.kk.entity.AopTargetTwo.setName(String)
********  End ****
value is:aopTargetOne email
value is:aopTargetOne name
value is:aopTargetTwo name
******** Start check set value  with method *********** void com.kk.entity.AopTargetTwo.setEmail(String)
********  End ****
value is:aopTargetTwo email

Which confused me! It seems that the code does not run with the normal order.

While I expect the output like this:

******** Start check set value  with method *********** void com.kk.entity.AopTargetOne.setAddress(String)
value is:aopTargetOne address
********  End ****
******** Start check set value  with method *********** void com.kk.entity.AopTargetOne.setEmail(String)
value is:aopTargetOne email
********  End ****

What's the problem? Any way to fix this?



That's just a result of you performing output on two different output streams. You're writing to both err and out. These don't necessarily get flushed in the same order (between streams).


Write to the same OutputStream and you'll see your expected output.

If we remove the output containing stars, we get

value is:aopTargetOne address
value is:aopTargetOne email
value is:aopTargetOne name
value is:aopTargetTwo name
value is:aopTargetTwo email

which is in the exact order you set them.

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