
I am trying to build an Huffman encoding tree.


int main()
    // Read frequency table and build Huffman tree.
    NodePtr huffman = build_tree();

    // Free the allocated memory.

    return 0;

The input should be on the form:

number of letters
"letter" number of occurrences
"letter2" number of occurrences

So far I have not got it to work. Any ideas what might be wrong?

build_tree function:

NodePtr build_tree()
    int characters;//number of characters
    cin >> characters;
    char letter;
    int freq;
    HuffmanPriorityQueue queue;
    NodePtr p;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < characters; i++)
        cin >> letter;
        cin >> freq;
        NodePtr temp = new HuffmanNode(freq, letter);
    for (int i = 0 ; i < characters - 1 ; i++)
        NodePtr a = queue.top();
        NodePtr b = queue.top();
        NodePtr p = new HuffmanNode (a->frequency + b->frequency, NULL);
    return p;

The print function: Which was supplied so I assume it is correct.

void print_tree(NodePtr root, int indent = 0, string prefix = "")
    // External nodes are not printed.
    if (root == NULL) {

    char letter = ' ';
    if (root->is_leaf()) {
        letter = root->letter;

    cout << string(indent, ' ') << prefix << "(" << letter << " [" << root->frequency << "]";
    if (root->is_leaf()) {
        cout << ")" << endl;
    } else {
        cout << endl;
        // Print left and right subtrees with the appropriate prefix, and
        // increased indent (by INDENT_SIZE).
        print_tree(root->left, indent + INDENT_SIZE, "0");
        print_tree(root->right, indent + INDENT_SIZE, "1");
        cout << string(indent, ' ') << ")" << endl;


You have several problems:

  • The outer NodePtr p is never assigned.
  • There is no pop for NodePtr b
  • New node doesn't refer to its children a and b
  • You don't return the root.

So following may help:

for (int i = 0 ; i < characters - 1 ; i++)
    NodePtr a = queue.top();
    NodePtr b = queue.top();
    NodePtr p = new HuffmanNode (a, b); // The new node has two children `a` and `b`.
return queue.top(); // Return root.
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