
Hi im facing a problem in my windows 8 mobile app.Im sending a request to the server using WebClient to pull the details.I have an on demand refresh feature available in the app where the user can refresh the details when ever he wants.The problem i face is the new details are not being updated.I have tried some of the solutions mentioned by adding ?nocache at the end of the url.But this solution will not help me because im actually passing values through this url to a server, after processing these values at the server side they will redirect the response to "http://mysitezz.com/myfolder/files/details546546546546.xml". So if i append ?nocache i will get error response. Also i have tried adding header in Webclient that didnt work too

     WebClient wctrans = new WebClient();

 //  wctrans.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.LastModifiedSince] = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString();
    wctrans.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(UpdateLocalDB);
      wctrans.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(calculatedURL), nextItem.AccountNo);

Is there any way to solve this issue? Im pretty new to windows phone app developement.Thanks in advance


解決 2

I could not solve this problem from the client side.Finally i had force the server team to make changes at their end.Acutally the problem was happening in ios and android too


as per this article C# WebClient disable cache , use HttpRequest object instead of WebClient

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