
I understand that I can send a message from parent and receive it using read() from child using pipes, but what if I want to send multiple messages of different types (int, array..) to the child process? Is it possible to let the child process read them separately?



You can define various data types in enum and then append this enum in the beginning of your message.

typedef enum 
//other data types
} data_type_t;

Say, your message is:


and you need to indicate to the reciever to read it as a string, so you can append it like:

1stackoverflow //here 1 indicates CHAR

So, that one the child reads it, it can extract the 1st character to see that it has to be interpreted as string (CHAR). Use it as:

#define READ 0 /* Read end of pipe */
#define WRITE 1 /* Write end of pipe */
. . .

int fd[2];
char *message = "some random message";
char modified_message[40];

data_type_t type = CHAR; // Say for this message you define the data type as char

sprintf(modified_message, "%d%s", type,  message);
write(fd[WRITE], message, strlen(message)+1);
. . .

The receiving end will extract the 1st bit of the message and knowing the 1st bit you'll be able to interpret the type of the data contained.

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