Trying to post photos to Facebook using Facebook C# SDK returns exception "Facebook.FacebookOAuthException"



I am trying to upload photo to a page I have created. Unfortunately it returns me the following exception - A first chance exception of type 'Facebook.FacebookOAuthException' occurred in Facebook.dll.

You'd think that I have missed some permission in the "Graph API Explorer", but I have actually checked every single one of them and I am using that Access Token. Obviously the problem is connected to the Access Token, but I am not sure how.

Here is what I have tested and it works fine:

  • Posting messages on my personal wall
  • Posting photos in my personal album
  • Posting messages on my page

And yet when I try to post photos to my page album or to my page wall it returns me that exception.

I use the code from here:

            FacebookClient facebookClient = new FacebookClient(accessToken);
            dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject();
            parameters.access_token = accessToken;
            parameters.source = new FacebookMediaObject           
                FileName = "My_Picture.jpg",     
                ContentType = "image/jpeg"

            //"my" album ID is 12345
            //page album id is 67890
            facebookClient.Post("/67890/photos", parameters);

I have tried changing /photos to /feed, but it doesn't work either. I have also tried changing the 67890 (album ID) with my page name and page id.

I use VS 2013, C# with WPF, newest version of Facebook SDK C#.



So I reset the permissions and now everything works properly*.

*What I was looking for was posting the photo on the page as the page. Right now the code above posts a photo on the page as a normal user.

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