
I have a JAVA Ant task which is-

<target name="javatask">
<java classname="arq.sparql" fork="true" outputproperty="javaresult" errorproperty="javaerror1">
       <arg value="--data=${tools.dir}/build-config/SPARQL/cpldm.ttl"/>
       <arg value="--query=${queryFile}"/>
       <jvmarg value="-Xmx1024M"/>
              <fileset dir="${jena.dir}/lib">
                <include name="*.jar"/>
       <echo message="Error at: ${javaerror1} in ${queryFile}"/>
       <echo message="Result for ${queryFile} is: ${javaresult}"/>

Now I want the error message to be echo-ed only if there is a 'javaerror' and the Result message to be echoed if there is no error. So basically its kind of if-else condition, i.e if there is error echo error message , else- Give result message. How can I achieve that



<target name="javataskfailure" if="javaerror1" depends="javatask">
    <echo message="Error at: ${javaerror1} in ${queryFile}"/>
    <echo message="Result for ${queryFile} is: ${javaresult}"/>

The task will only execute if the "javaerror1" property exists.

The latest version of Ant includes a new If and Unless attributes that can be set in almost any task. I've had a few problems with getting it to work, and you do need to have Ant 1.9.1 or higher, but it does make if/else conditions much easier to handle.

For example, you could put this in your <echo/> statement:

<echo unless:blank="javaerror1">Error at: ${javaerror1} in ${queryFile}</echo>

You might be able to use the set attribute instead:

<echo if:set"javaerror1">Error at: ${javaerror1} in ${queryFile}</echo>
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