
I got the following error when compiling the code with GWT 2.6.0 and GXT 2.5.1.

Loading inherited module 'com.sencha.gxt.ui.GXT'L
    Loading inherited module 'com.sencha.gxt.data.Data'
        Loading inherited module 'com.sencha.gxt.core.Core'
            [ERROR] The value ie6 was not previously defined.
            [ERROR] Line 96: Unexpected exception while processing element 'set-property'

Even though we don't specify ie6 in gxt.user.agent, we still get the error: "[ERROR] The value ie6 was not previously defined." Why does GXT still try to set ie6 despite we don't set it in gxt.user.agent?

Does anyone know when Sencha will release a new GXT version that resolve this problem?



They released a beta already: https://www.sencha.com/blog/announcing-gxt-3.1-beta/

…or you could re-enable the ie6 permutation:

<extend-property name="user.agent" value="ie6" />

Just to clarify 2 points,

  1. If using GXT-3.0.1 or earlier => It is only compatible with GWT-2.5.1 (or earlier).
  2. If using GXT-3.1.0_Beta => It is only compatible with GWT-2.6.0 (or later).

Otherwise various errors will be caused during compilation/runtime.

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